TC Officer Adventures - Chapter 1

Day 1,454, 19:50 Published in USA USA by TDavis3000

(The following is an excerpt from a Training Corps adventure. THIS STUFF IS REAL!)

Most days, the officers of the US Training Corps spend their days instructing the newest members of the eUS Military.

However, to keep our skills sharp and our brains active, our CO's frequently send us to the front lines. This op was no ordinary one, though. General Gryphon Skull had planned something special.

I had relatively limited combat experience, but I was surrounded by some of the best. Snorunt30. potato134. Rose Lopez. WebMastr. 1LT Rike Tosh was the ranking officer on-mission, and tasked with successfully leading us to victory. Our operation would require focus and precision.

Rose made a few jokes about potato, barely in earshot. Potato pretended to take offense, but everyone knew he was a good sport. Snorunt was cleaning his rifle, looking a bit bored. He'd seen a lot of combat, so this was nothing new for him. WebMastr was talking up the cute pilot of our plane.

I was both thrilled and concerned. We were going into live action on a daring mission to rescue captured American soldiers BEHIND enemy Serbian lines.

The Serbs had been advancing all week on American soil, but some of their POW camps had slacking security. Our job was to parachute in behind their front line, rescue the soldiers, and sneak back through a gap in the line over the Appalachians. Sounded like a low-budget Hollywood action movie. In practice, it would be harrowing and intense.

1LT Tosh must have noticed my apprehension. He made eye contact and just gave me a decisive nod. I took a breath, exhaled, and went through the mission checklist in my head one more time.

"Let's do this..."

Chapter 2 continues next...