State of the Union: Changes, Victories, Bugs

Day 770, 12:11 Published in USA Bulgaria by Jewitt

Special Thanks | War Update | CSA Becomes U.S. | January Candidacy | To do List

29 December, 2009, Day 770 of the New World - Today's article is chalk full of new events, some thanks during my Presidency, and a few announcements. Oh, and yes, that is the old navigation bar you see! On a side note, I have adopted an odd liking to Miley Cyrus despite her lack of musical talent.

Thank You All

I have to give a special thanks to many people within my administration for making it such a great experience and for giving the American people all they could. No two did a better job than the other, and all should never have a hard time finding employment in this nation. Their dedication is the embodiment of the American way of life, and their thorough contributions make it even better.

PigInZen, my Vice President, gets the first mention only because he rarely writes any articles. How are the people supposed to know what you are doing unless you tell them? Either way, PigInZen has lead a team with admin Killing Time and Former President Harrison Richardson to help secure our forums. Working through the holidays they gave us reliable service time between DDoS Attacks - which focused on destabilizing our hosting server. His contributions to the Citizen Database and other IT projects make him an invaluable asset to this country.

Devan Kronos, Deputy Chief of Staff, has showed up and would never shut up. Then again, what he had to say was always worth putting my full attention towards. Helping me crack that administration whip, Mr. Kronos has worked on countless little endeavors to ensure that each Department head is doing their job, and doing it well. Not to mention, he writes fine articles and is e-married to a very special lady. Without Devan, this administration would had crumbled on Day 2.

Don't they look so cute together?

Bradley Reala, my Secretary of State, started off as an acquaintance at the beginning of this term and I can honestly say we have become very close friends. His work with foreign envoys ranging from Italy to Romania, as well as helping me cool off after setbacks in Asia and Europe, is what kept the foreign successes of this administration happening. I cannot describe how much help he has been, from going out of his way to broker in deals with Japan all the way to letting me know when the servers crash.

Chocolate McSkittles, former everything, went out of his way to make sure the jobs got done that needed to and oftentimes would operate the famous Guns for Huns program single-handed without a single complaint. Although he has left the game due to reasons I cannot blame him for, I want to thank him for all he has done. Countless Wastelanders were saved and many more citizens were trained and gained military rank through his contributions.

Jude Connors, Secretary of the Interior, which is America's favorite hippie. He is an amazing person with a great drive for welfare. His Salvation Army project, Wasteland Commission, and other social works have given my Presidency the ability to boast improved communications with the newer players. Truth be told, it was all Mr. Connors and his initiative that made it all happen.

My Entire Cabinet, and a few in Congress, deserve the ultimate thanks. They have stood and worked for this nation through the thick and thin, through the victories and bugged loses. I only hope that next month the United States will have the same group.
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War Update

The war is nearing its half-way mark, nation. Iran has been completely removed from her colonies and no longer holds its grip on the nations of China and India. After a glorious victory in Liaoning, followed by bugs and glitches which plagued our advance into Northern China, the United States has begun a complete 180 in direction and has struck the final blow to the Iranian nation. The first of the Three Pillars, Liaoning, fell like a weight in water. The other two, Karnataka and Heiliongjiang, will be much more difficult feats.

I was asked why we did not fight in Karnataka or Heiliongjiang first. My answer was simple: "Pick off the pawns, before going for the king." This tactic has proven the most successful, and with the continual progresses in Europe and our own advancement in Asia I feel a complete victory is within our grasp before the end of January. So far, we have liberated China of all but Hungary. India now is only occupied by Indonesia. We have taken these nations which have had two to three occupiers at any given time and gave them hope. They now only have one occupier each, and crown jewels of the empires.

Where will we go from here? Will we march south to the second Pillar, Indonesian-controlled Karnataka? Or shall we grind north into the fields of Hell towards the final Pillar, Hungarian-gripped Heiliongjiang? That is a decision that may be made very soon. Stay tuned to this paper and the Current Events tab on the front page, and always, fight as ordered by the Department of Defense.
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CSA Becomes US

When I was Vice President, this nation was going through difficult times. Luckily, we had a chance to rejoice. What did we rejoice over? Today we rejoice over liberating Liaoning, over aiding our allies in their offensives. Yesterday, we rejoiced on winning Texas and Louisiana. What seems like ages ago, and in all actually only occurred five months in the past, then-President Emerick announced the Confederate States of America. It was hailed, cheered, and joked about for weeks. It was a moral boost like no other, and it stuck until Gaius Julius assumed the Presidency.

Oddly enough, no President ever officially changed the name of our fine country. With all due respect to my predecessors, they were inaccurate by referring to our nation as "USA" or "the United States of America." I have to include myself in this list of Presidents whom addressed their nation inappropriately, and it is due to this fact is why I am making it official. We are a new nation ever since we were victorious in Canada, ever since California, Manitoba, and Nunavut were released from their occupiers. A new nation, and a new future.

As of January 1st, 2010, Day 773 of the New World, this nation shall be officially known as "the United States."

Any ideas for a concept flag? Devan Kronos made this great one.

There will be no "America" in this new formal title. We are no longer bound to the North American continent, as we have been charged by those oppressed to venture into foreign lands and become an agent of liberty. I guess this truly is a second life, a world which we can make better. As we have done in Liaoning and Kyushu, unlike the real-life U.S.A., we have no intentions to keep hold of these lands. We are better than the imperialists that ran this game a year ago. Now, I ask all Americans to stand with me as we strive to defend freedom, and all that is good and just, in this e-world.

On a side note, we can still each other "Americans." I just do not think "State-ian" sounds catchy enough.
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January Candidacy

Many have asked, "Jewitt, will you be running for reelection?" Many others have speculated I would not, others have speculated rivals. Today I would like to make it short and sweet:

I intend to run for reelection on the January 5th elections, my platform being this nation's progress since I took office.

Yeah, you heard me, reelection!

I want what I have done this month to be my platform. My successes, my mistakes, my antics. I also want it to be known that I will continue to get the eUSA Babyboom effort running (may have to change it to "eUS Babyboom" now!), stressing an importance on domestic concentration, as well as advancements in Information Technologies for our nation's communication infrastructure.

Hopefully my Vice President will be of help providing a more detailed platform between now and then.
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» Deputy Chief of Staff Devan Kronos wrote an article relating a famous Phoenix fighter with a well known EDEN supporter. It is a very interesting read and well worth everyone's time.

» Ever wanted free weapons? Ever wanted to hang out with a bunch of friends, joke about the game and real-life, and then fight alongside each other against our favorite Phoenix rivals? Maybe the United States Armed Forces is the path for you. Check it out!

» Here's your Moment of Zen.

Written and Edited by,
Your President, Jewitt