SSZNDS: Working Hard to Bring War to Servia

Day 901, 13:14 Published in USA USA by Joseph Schmo

Some of you may recall an article I released about a month ago detailing the Super Stealth Zombie Ninja Death Squad's role in bringing down Ajay Bruno after is brief time as President of Florida. Since then, the Squad has been relocated to Karnataka, fighting for the safety and well-being of America and its allies.

Recently, as I am sure most of you are aware, both Presidents Woxan and Richardson have been struggling to declare war on Serbia, despite the fact that we do, in fact, share a border with them. While no-one can know the exact reason why, it is undeniable that the President's buttons (found on every President's desk in the New World) are broken in the eWhite House. Due to the lack of response on the part of the eRepublik Admins, I offered the services of the SSZNDS Corps of Electricians to President Richardson.

One of our boys, hard at work (face covered to hide his identity)

While the Corps of Electricians is a new addition to the SSZNDS, I was confident that they would be able to solve this issue. They have been trained by some of the eWorld's most talented and well-recognized electricians (unfortunately, no names can be disclosed) and, frankly, I did not think that fixing a few buttons would be that difficult, and I thought that it would be a wonderful opportunity for the Zombies to test their skills on something rather important.

Boy, was I wrong. I traveled with the CoE to Washington to assist them in any way I could, and when I saw the system the Admins have put in place, I was shocked. The entire system is a patchwork of switches and wires that don't seem to do anything. It is no wonder that the Admins could not get themselves over to DC to fix the problem. I for one would not want anything to do with it.

Actual photo of the wiring in place for a few simple buttons

Regardless, the CoE is still in DC, working 24/7 on this problem, hoping to get it fixed soon. I myself flew back out to Karnataka, only to find that the Zombies are itching for war on the Servians, as I am sure all of you are. Rest assured, the most elite military unit in the world is on the case, and hopes to have the problem fixed soon. That being said, I would like to be the first to thank Col. [Name Classified] and Lts. [Names Classifed] for leading the fight in DC!

General Joseph Schmo (Ret.)
Commanding Officer, Super Stealth Zombie Ninja Death Squad
Former CO, U.S. Army