Sorry for the Rant (A Manifesto)

Day 1,311, 22:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

Good day to you.

It is the time of the month for Congress manifestos. However, having written a Congress manifesto 26 times, I figured it is time to do something different. We are living in a time of disaster and opportunity. We have a choice. Either continue where we are going, on the path of corruption and deception, or take action, and bring back the equality that we all deserve. While the choice may seem a simple one, taking action is more difficult than it first appears. This is easier said than done. So I am not here to talk, I am here to get something done. I have this feeling, which is hard to explain, but I just know it. A feeling of hope, and that something amazing is going to happen soon. The future may seem bleak, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Albeit, this is a very long tunnel, and there still is a long way to go if we will be victorious. I have been here for about two and a half years. I have seen the rise and fall of many civiliasations, and I have learnt the lessons behind all of that. My goal has always been to help others, ever since my introduction to politics. Yet there are people who will take advantage of people at any opportunity. Why should the people be left out? We must realise our own potential, instead of others telling you what you can’t do. Each and every one of us has a purpose, and we are all unique. That is one thing that cannot be taken away. Now, I know that this may all seem like some weird rant, so I shall just quickly go over some of my experience and my plans for the next month.

A New Hope?


• 26 Months in Congress
• 5 Months as a Minister
• 7 Months as Party President
• A whole lot of miscellaneous stuff.


• Participate in discussion of legislation and have a 100% voting record.
• Make sure constituents are heard, answer all questions you have.
• Promote activity through the use of the forums and IRC.
• Protect our democratic values.

I know this has been considerably shorter than my manifestos in past, but as long as the main points are understood, there’s no need for me to keep repeating myself. So, in summary, we must protect our democracy, and I will do everything in my power to do so. Vote Stefan1992 in the Northern Ireland this 25th.
