SLAVIC UNION one year ago - SLAVIC UNION now

Day 1,235, 15:48 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Grof Tocaky

Almost one year ago, in day 898, the SLAVIC UNION project was officialy started. Since then many eRepublik players have found out this idea is interesting, and also SU found many active members. But what is the most important – great people met great people 🙂

That’s why I’m writing this article now – to remind what has happened since SU creation, especially for new citizens, and to tell something about what could it looks like in the future too.

► SLAVIC UNION origin and short history

We people of Slavic nations determine😛 to save succeeding generations from absurd fratricide wars, which unnecessarily sowed hatred among us and often obstructed economic development of our countries, to create a force able to resist attack of strong enemy, and to ensure right to self-determination for large and also small Slavic nations. We peoples of Slavic nations decide😛 to create a powerful and coherent organization, which will be able to defend our interests – SLAVIC UNION. - SLAVIC UNION secretary, day 898

This is the preamble of Slavic Union charter posted in first day of it’s official existence. Although there weren’t made any big changes (one more time thanks to IvoCarog for a small improvements and corrections) almost everything is not used now. Just the main idea remained – the idea of Slavic friendship and cooperation. The idea which was by me, and my friend Ghostbiker transformed into the great Slavic team.

actually... even better that this 😃

► SLAVIC UNION achievements

Dear eRepublik team,

I write to you because I see, that there are many people from Belarus, Macedonia and Montenegro who play for another country in eRepublik. Some of them even stopped playing this game just because they hadn’t got their own country.

They are almost the same as we are – they especially want to have fun as we others here, and some of them also financially support this game. But they are still a little bit different, because they don’t have their own countries, which they would be able to administrate, develop and fight for. And this is one of the main goals of this game, isn’t it?
– Grof Tocaky, Secretary General of SU, day 918

The petition for adding Belarus, Macedonia and Montenegro was clearly the biggest succes of SLAVIC UNION. More than 300 people signed it on the eRep forum eRep forum and article and it was pretty long time in top posts. Even some people copied it for their own petitions without asking (I forgive them 😃). However we all were sceptical about it. All the more surprised us the fact, that in next 5 months we could see ALL THESE THREE countries on the eRepublik map!

So we helped to enlarge the Slavic eWorld... and whad did you do for it? 🙂


Slavic Union Armed Forces (SUAF) are military part of Slavic Union, created to defend it's interests on eRepublik battlefields. - SLAVIC UNION secretary, day 1000

During it’s first weeks, SUAF was an international Slavic military unit, but after some changes in military module and my 2click beginning it started to be less and less active and one day it absolutely stopped it‘s activity. But when the admins added official military units into eRepublik, Ghostbiker decided to resurrect SUAF at least in Czechoslovakia. Now it is bigger and stronger than ever...

...Also the international part of SUAF is being prepared... 😉