charter of the SLAVIC UNION

Day 898, 12:13 Published in Slovakia Slovakia by Hochelus" hspace="75" width="400">


We the people of Slavic nations have determine😛 to save succeeding generations from absurd fratricide wars, which unnecessarily sowed hatred among us and often obstructed economic development of our countries, to create a power able to resist an attack of strong enemy, and to ensure right to self-determination for large and also small Slavic nations. We the people of Slavic nations have decide😛 to create a powerful and coherent organization, which will be able to defend our interests – SLAVIC UNION.

1. Membership

- Membership in Slavic Union is optional and member may at any time leave organization.
- Every citizen of one of following countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine), or RL citizen of any Slavic country is allowed to become a member of the Slavic Union.
- Membership may be permanently suspended once it is proved that the member intentionally harmed the Slavic Union.
- In order to become a member send friend request to Slavic Union secretariat.

2. Administration

- The only official organization of Slavic Union in eRepublik is the "SLAVIC UNION secretariat"

3. Basic hierarchy

3.1. Founders

- principal authorities of the Slavic Union are General Secretary and Head of Propaganda.
- the offices under the power of the General Secretary are delegates and administrative, financial, and military advisors.
- the offices under the power of the Head of Propaganda are propagators, politician advisor and media advisor.

3.2. Delegates

- Each Slavic country has exclusively one delegate.
- All delegates and all countries are equal.
- Delegates are proposed and elected for a month-term by members from the respective country.
- candidate for a delegate Office must be member of government or congressman of the respective state
- delegates shall propose and vote for resolutions of Slavic Union and elect advisors for a month-term. Each proposal must be supported by at least one additional delegate.
- Delegate may be suspended once it is proved, that he intentionally harmed the Slavic Union. At least two thirds of the delegates must vote for such suspension.

3.3. Advisors

- There are administrative, financial, politic and media advisors in the Slavic Union.
- Advisors are proposed and elected by delegates for one month.
- the administrative advisor shall maintain a complete and up-to-date list of members of Slavic Union
- the financial advisor shall organize financial collections and develop plans of its use.
- the political advisor shall monitor political situation in the world and report on it
- the media adviser shall monitor the worldwide opinion about the Slavic Union and report about it.

3.4. Propagators

- Each Slavic country has exclusively official propagator.
- Propagators are chosen by the Head of Propaganda for an indefinite period of time.
- the propagators shall write articles to support Slavic Union in his country, and to publish translations of official articles of SLAVIC UNION secretariat.
- Every propagator is obliged to change the name of his newspaper to SLAVIC UNION [name of the country he represents]
- Propagator may be suspended if he fails to fulfil his obligations. At least two thirds of delegates and the Head of Propaganda vote for such suspension.
- Every member of Slavic Union can be also the unofficial propagator in any country of eWorld.

4. Comunication

- Official communication language of the Slavic Union is English, because of its neutrality and prevalence.
- main form of communication is an official forum of Slavic Union.

5. Proposing and Voting

- Only the General Secretary and delegates may propose a resolution to be made
- Any proposal submitted by the delegate must be supported by at least one other delegate.
- Proposing and voting takes place on the official forum of Slavic Union, in a special section.
- Proposals for the use of finances must be approved by the General Secretary.
- General secretary shall vote only in case the number of votes is equal and all delegates have voted

6. Financing and use of funding

- Financing of Slavic Union is based on the voluntary donations of its members.
- Funds can be used to support any Slavic state via donation, but only upon approval of the General Secretary and the majority of delegates.
- Funds can be used for advertising of Slavic union without acceptance of the majority of delegates.

right to change the rules reserved

Grof Tocaky
General Secretary of Slavic Union" hspace="75" width="400">