Say No to Elitism

Day 1,803, 14:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy


Evening all. I aim in this article to give you some lovely insights into how you can spot elitism here in the eUK and how you, right now, can take steps to smash it in the face.

I also consider it to be a discussion on the roles of 'party and policy' as currently being discussed by Appleby, and hopefully a short tract that should give you even more cause to get on the forums; and failing that something you can use to get involved without using the forums. All good things.


Those of you who have read Applecart's article will see that he feels as though parties are in effect an extension of the military module; something we participate in (if we do, which some of us don't) in order to make our country the most land-grabbing biggest baddest colour on the eMap. We thus join a party based not so much on their policies but on which one best fits our own grand ideological views on how this can be achieved.

An interesting idea, although I feel that in the changing climate of the eUK most of us join a party for more pragmatic reasons. To what extent Appleby's 'ideological grand-plan' thesis is individually valid depends on our willingness to get involved with and understand the game. You may say that it only applies to those of us who are in e-terms, 'politically conscious' in the sense of how well we understand the games rules, our own limitations, international situation, consequent national limitations, legislation, community and ehistory.

In reality, it may be that most people choose a party based on what they think it can offer them (whether that be material goods, a place in congress, or world-altering 'change'). What we as a community should strive for is to strike a balance between these two realities. The ideal populace would have enough knowledge of the eUK and eRepublik to be able to know precisely what each party stands for and can offer us, without falling victim to propaganda or as Kravenn says; populist rhetoric.

You don't need to take much time to scrutinise what party officials tell you on this game, nor are the tools you need to do so locked away somewhere you can't reach them. On the most fundamental level you can check the wiki, the forums or simply ask a cross-section of different party representatives in order to get a good idea of what is going on. The one thing to avoid being is a sheep.

By that I simply mean don't read one thing and take their word for it. If one man shouts change and it seems like a good idea, don't follow it without asking questions. Doing so simply means you allow yourself as a voter to be exploited, and this is something that applies to each and every citizen worldwide.

Question both sides of the argument, do a little reading and if two or more parties disagree, try to find both sides of the story. People will always be willing to help, because after all - they want your vote and believe they are the right people to have it.

Similarly, when you are in a party ask yourself to what extent you are able to get involved, or if you are content with your position, again, ask yourself how democratic or how open is my party, and how likely is my voice to be heard should I want to shout. How can you do this? Your first stop is always the wiki. Or asking PP's. Remember to find out how the party works. It's easy for party A to call party B corrupt, but if party A is led by an oligarchy with no structure or procedure for the little guy to actually be heard, then you simply don't know if you're fighting (or voting) for the right cause. It's easy for someone to say they represent the little guy, but to what extent do they? How are policies made, who makes them, and how able are you as an individual to be heard. Always scrutinise, always question. You don't need the forums for that, although it is in the eyes of most parties the most open and efficient way to discuss these things openly with it's members. Some parties opt for just an IRC channel instead, though in my opinion that is far more closed and cliquey than using a forum or discussing things on a 1 to 1 basis with congressmen in-game.

Question transparency. How open is a party about how it functions? If there is no structure, how are you to get involved? Through what channels can you do so? Again, speak to party presidents, ask congressmen, find out what different parties can offer you - make yourself knowledgeable. Command your own decisions, don't bow down to the apparent knowledge or wisdom of some other guy who seems to know what he's on about.

Watch out for the Grima Wormtongues of the world.

Because ladies and gentlemen, if you let yourself be exploited than you promote elitism. Ask yourselves if you know why you voted whoever you voted for. Ask yourself if you considered all your options. Ask yourself if you made the right decision, and on what knowledge did you base that decision? Don't fall for populism or propaganda, don't be exploited, don't promote elitism.


Thanks for Reading,
HRH King Woldy I,


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