Saturn Reference 第四十期:日·韩·ROC关系

Day 1,546, 07:39 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E日本期刊Tokyo Cafe文章《Relations of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
After some negotiations with eTaiwan, I want inform people on what eTaiwan want for give back to eJapan some territories.

But first, I find it is important to resume a part of the history of eJapan for new players or people who don’t know the story of the country.

I will start to the period where eSouth Korea was under control of Romanians (EDEN). eJapan had tried to help to free eSouth Korea but we saw that we were too weak for help them and Romanians with Alfagrem had enough strength for erase us. So Japanese have pray for eSK to have a babyboom for expulse Romanians of their eCountry. eSK finally succeeds and took the control of their country but most of Romanians stay in it.

When eSK was free, there was a great friendship between our 2 countries and we have done fake wars for the NE bonus. One day, eCanada has attacked Japan for obtain one resource but they have failed because eSK has helped us and has blocked the invasion. During this time, we have received no help from eTaiwan because they tried to take the control of ePhilippines.

eCanada finally abandoned because they should declare war to eSK and they have changed their priorities. Due to help of eSK, eJapan continued to be free.

The bad period start when eSK has decided to join ONE. They wanted totally expulse Romanians of their country and joined enemies of eRomania. In eJapan we don’t like an alliance like ONE because they don’t care about small countries. Like you can see, ONE have others priorities and don’t give a big help for free eSK.

eChina and eTaiwan hate ONE, so they have erased eSK. eJapanese have tried to help eSK because we help good friends whatever the alliance they come from.

eTaiwan was enough strong for keep eSK alone and they decided to erase also Japan for the help that we have offered to eSK.

eJapan has good relations with TERRA countries but they can’t help us because they fight with EDEN.

Now, I will talk about negotiations.

First the government of eTaiwan doesn’t trust our government. They think that we are collaborating with eSK because Geezus received the support of a party directed by a Korean, one of the ministers seems to be Macedonian and others things…

The majority of the congress and the population of eTaiwan support the suppression of eJapan and they will continue till an indefinite date.

They respect our relations that we have with eSK but they didn’t support that we fight against them in RW for free eSK.

Concretely for peace, they want first that we stop to fight for eSK and a government in eJapan where all Koreans are excluded. No Koreans in politic, military units….

If eTaiwan sees that we respect their conditions in the next few weeks, they will create an Taiwanese team in the eJapan government for be sure that Koreans have no influence on the government and eJapan will have some regions back.

So what do you think of it?

Of my point of view, I think we can hardly exclude Koreans of our land, they are a part of our community.

eJapan is an international eCountry, we are compose of many nationalities IRL who loves Japan culture, I’m French but in eJapan I play together with people like Hungarians(ONE), Americans(TERRA), Polishes(ONE), Germans(TERRA), British(ONE), Russians(TERRA), Spanish(ONE), Turkish(EDEN), Macedonians(ONE), Chinese(EDEN), Japanese(Neutral), Taiwanese(EDEN), Koreans(pro-ONE) …………………….

Why we should exclude one community of our eland? For me eJapan has a very beautiful spirit in this eWorld. This is a place where all people of each countries live in peace and don’t fight for RL sh*t reasons.

We don’t hate you eTaiwan, we never wanted make war against you and I think it is the same things for eKorea even if they are “pro-ONE”.

Our long friendship with eSK and our analysis of the situation, done that we understand very well Koreans and the reason for join ONE. Consequently, we have fought for eSK against eTaiwan because at the eyes of our international eCountry, this is fairer.

I think people of eJapan will never accept to discriminate Koreans so we will stay a long time under the control of eTaiwan, until that eTaiwan is agree to accept also Koreans in our eland.

The only thing that we can respect, it is to stop to fight against eTaiwan in RW of eSK.

I hope eTaiwan that you will understand more eJapanese.

My dream, it is that eChina, eKorea, eSouth Korea and eTaiwan live again in peace like in the past. It seems utopic but look eRussia and eAmerica are in the same alliance now even if they were enemies before, they changed their mind. It is the same thing for Greece and Turkey.

谢谢Ereinion Gilgalad 和 Chise E. Tamai 的帮助.
Thank you Ereinion Gilgalad and Chise E. Tamai for your help.

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