Saturn Reference 第三十八期:芬兰带路党事件

Day 1,544, 20:42 Published in China China by Yurikhan

Saturn Reference-土星参考

全文翻译自E中国期刊The EMUsement文章《The conflict between EDEN and eFinland
Before talking about the issue itself, let me try to describe eFinland for you. Finland is one of the founding members of EDEN. From the current members, only Croatia, Norway and Romania share the status. I’m talking for everyone when saying that Finland is one of the core members of EDEN. The heart of EDEN. They’ve always been the role model for other countries. They follow battle priorities set by HQ, pay fees on time and participate actively in the daily life of the alliance.

“(Finland is) a monument of our Brotherhood for all those who play the game and believe in true values" -alpho

zRTx – The Saviour or a Polish PTOer?
zRTx – 救世主亦或波兰PTO?

There are a lot of new players in eFinland. They have, maybe rightfully, demanded me to give more arguements against zRTx, who was a candidate in the last presidential elections of Finland. Let’s start by listing some facts about zRTx.

After (and before?) being kicked out of the Finnish Military HQ, zRTx fought in the Polish army for a long, long time. Not only did he repeatedly fight against EDEN, he fought against Finland too. Many times. It wasn’t just a short visit in the past either. He basically fought the whole 2011 for Poland/ONE and continued to do so in 2012 too. Even at the time of publishing this article, zRTx lives in Poland and is fighting in a military unit of his own. This MU is located in Poland and can therefore complete the daily order only on Polish MPP fights or RWs. I didn’t spot him on the battlefield today but I’m sure he fought against EDEN. Again.
在被逐出芬兰武装力量总部之后(也许之前),zRTx在波兰军队中服役了很久。他不仅一再地攻击EDEN,而且也参与进攻芬兰。许多许多次,不是什么短期访问。2011年他几乎一整年都在波兰/ONE阵营效力,一直持续到2012年。即便在本文发表的时刻, zRTx依然住在波兰,隶属于他自己的私人军团里,而这个军团驻扎在波兰,所以它只能用来设定波兰的MPP战斗和波兰境内的起义战。今天我还没有发现他进入战场,但我非常确定他依然在EDEN的对立面。

Besides just fighting for ONE, he also joined ONE HQ just 3 months ago, at the end of 2011. His job was to coordinate the armies of ONE. If you don’t trust my word, take a look. He has also leaked information from EDEN channels to ONE, which is totally unacceptable. This happened not so long ago.

The way I saw the future

His friends aren’t exactly clean either. Let me present some direct quotes from a guy who has a strong background in the party which nominated and supported zRTx in the elections. I’m sure zRTx was more or less co-operating on this. The text was already written in English so no translations were made by me. I’ve deleted the parts that would reveal his/her identity. It’s up to him/her to step up and take responsibility if (s)he wants to. Read and “enjoy”!

“The Finnish eRepublik community cannot be changed without PTO.”
“There's lots of people who really don't understand why we are in EDEN. Many think Finland is really powerful nowadays and we should attack Russia ASAP. “
“There are some Finnish supporting ONE and we also have one major ONE leader but they are forced to move outside of Finland because of the stupid rules.”
“With the help of Serbian PTO, we can try to get the EDEN-fuckers out of Finland. There are at least some people who will support Serbian takeover. I really hope you don't want you to think all the finns are your enemies. I know some parties in Finland will vote and support serbia and PTO in the game. But it doesn't even bother if you still don't want to take me or any Finnish people as friends. I just want the old farts to go away from here. Just take over Finland and we will see what happens.”
“IF YOU WANT, I can help you how to organize PTO and try to select the parties to go with. The worst party in Finland is LEP, who control the forum and are really EDEN-fanatics. Most ONE/Serbian-positive party is Anonyymit Herrasmiehet.”
如果你需要的话,我能帮助你组织PTO行动,选择适合控制的党派。芬兰最烂的党是LEP,他们控制了论坛是真正的EDEN派。最亲ONE/塞尔维亚的党是Anonyymit Herrasmiehet。
“One other reason is that Anonyymit Herrasmiehet cannot be blamed for PTO but LEP should be to make the party bad.”
另一个原因就是Anonyymit Herrasmiehet不会指责PTO,而LEP则应当搞臭。

An evil schemer

I don’t know about you, but after listing some of his doings, I don’t see him as a qualified president for Finland. Take a look and decide:

-Got kicked out of Finnish military HQ
-Fought and tanked millions and millions of damage for ONE against EDEN and Finland for a year
在EDEN的对立面ONE方面 成百万地大量输出长达一年
-Been in ONE HQ
-Spied on EDEN channels and leaked logs to ONE
-Conspired against Finland and EDEN with his “friends”
-Got banned for his multies on an election day
-Threatened Finland with a Polish conquest
-Was selling property of Finland and EDEN on 5th February. Property he would gain access to when being elected.

What happened in Finland

Knowing the facts about zRTx and knowing that he was a candidate of the 4chan party (AH), which isn’t really known of their rational thinking, I decided to start preparing myself for some aTO action. I want to emphasize that I was only preparing for it as I wasn’t sure whether I’d have to interfere or not.

'Nuff said

On 5th February the results looked fairly good until I heard that the people behind zRTx were preparing some 40-60 Serbs/Poles to vote in the morning. I also heard things about using a lot of multies to make sure zRTx would win. In addition to this, I received information that he was already selling the property he would gain access to when being elected. Property of EDEN. I have interesting logs about this but, in order to protect my source, I decided not to paste it here.

At this point I decided to act and bring some proEDEN voters to Finland. Some were here also to get RM factories for a cheaper price. Orders for everyone were to hold votes for the morning and see if they have to vote or not. Citizenships had to be given beforehand because getting them in the morning could’ve been tricky.

The outcome

Kammo22 won the elections with 39 votes. I gave out 18 citizenships and not all of them even voted. I didn’t affect the outcome of the elections. I may even have prevented them of bringing in the Serbs/Poles since they saw that we were ready to protect Finland against PTO. Yet the fuss in Finland was, and still is, huge.. “Bad EDEN! Bad Petsku! Don’t interfere in our internal politics!” Personally I would’ve preferred to skip this whole thing and avoid spending my precious time for nothing. But what’s done is done. I did it for the greater good. If the babies of eFinland now see me as the devil, then so be it. Before all of this happened, they didn’t know that I even existed and a lot of the older Finns thought that I had quitted. At least I made the politics interesting for you again!

Finnish army trying to control the riots

I brought the whole matter up for the presidents of EDEN on a summit that was held on 8th February. I tried to explain the different views of both sides and I had even asked the Finnish congress to write a message to EDEN. I also provided them with some evidence I had gathered. I will now show some opinions of them:

[00:45] then there has really been a treath from PTO
[00:46] Why should someone be punished for protecting his country?
[00:53] Petsku_ EDEN many times in past sent people to countries that they had free cs to give on day of elections if were at risk of pto,none can accuse you for this
[00:53] Opinion from Belarus: TO of Finland sucks
[00:54] Petsku_ - tell FInnish congress that you have proofs for PTO threats and have acted as usual

I had prepared an awesome PowerPoint presentation for the summit
Everyone else agreed with these comments and felt that I had done the right thing. HQ had shown their support for my actions earlier. Presidents and HQ agreed that EDEN shouldn’t interfere with internal politics of any member country. Not unless the situation is extreme.

My greetings to the eFinnish society
If you’re waiting for apologies and are hoping to see me begging for your forgiveness.. please don’t. If someone would turn back time, I’d do the same thing again. I got the support from other EDEN countries and the whole EDEN HQ. That’s what matters to me.

Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn!
How my actions will be interpreted by you, after reading this article, will define whether I want to help eFinland in the future or not. If you still manage to ignore all the facts against zRTx and keep judging my actions.. I don’t know. I guess eFinland isn’t what it used to be. There’s no way I could be a part of a society where you lapidate those who try to help you and pet those who want to harm you.

With love

aka Baby Finn
亦作Baby Finn

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