
Day 997, 22:10 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org

Required listening -

Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
Ooh na na, what’s my name
whats my name, whats my name

His name is Rod Damon, and he needs you to block to SAVE AMERICA.

Tis the season...

Welcome to a very Merry edition of the White House Press Release!

Snowflakes are falling, parties are clawing, Australia is ballin’, and the spirit of giving is in the air. It’s a very exciting time in the New World right now. A new year, with new changes are on the horizon. A Christmas Congress is days away. Mexico is look like an awfully good XMas dinner.

eLife is good, and there is a lot to be thankful for.


There is one major thing that needs to be squared away today, in order to keep this country completely safe moving into the future. We need “blockers.”

Have You Been Naughty...or Have You Been a Blocker???

“Blockers” help us prevent potential threats from getting into Congress. They keep America safe by being Congressional candidates and trying to lose in order to ensure that on of the qualified candidate in a region is victorious. If a single threat gets into Congress they would be able to: provide citizenship to ~14 enemies of the nation, propose impeachment (which can only be done every 7 days so it is not to be proposed lightly), and propose a new National Enemy (same thing as impeachment). How can you, loyal proud Dio-fearing citizen, prevent this?

Sign up to block!

Let me repeat that for you.

Sign up to block!

After you fill that out, log on later tonight and you should have a state and party assignment as well as a provided moving ticket. Just move to the right state, join the right party, and click “declare candidacy.” Congrats. You just saved America.

There’s a Surge Down Under and it Feels GREAT

Australia is back on the map. We’d like to thank everyone that helped out in liberating the Outback. It was a team effort, and we’re happy to have our mates back.

Unfortunately, both the Aussies and Indonesia have proposed declaring each other a Natural Enemies. Oh well. At least the Aussies got to publish this out of it.

Sekrit Santa!

Resident furry, Devon Donaldson, is organizing an eRep Secret Santa. Check it out here and sign up -

The idea is simple. You’ll be assigned a random citizen to give a “gift” to. This can be anything that you can donate (Q1 food, old house, Q5 tank, moving ticket, although the moving ticket is the itchy sweater of eRep XMas gifts), and as many of them as you would like to give. Some one else will be assigned to give something to you. So it will be one big happy furry swap.

The direct sign up link is here:

Interview with a SECRETARY

I’d like to thank another of our intrepid Media Team staffers, regretfulone, for conducting this interview with new Treasury Secretry Evry.

regretfulone: What will the Economic group at the White House be focusing on for the rest of the month?

Evry: The Econ Council hopes to within the remainder of this term at least begin a serious tax debate in order to determine what's best for the country both in terms of government revenue and in terms of citizen revenue. We are also working to organize all the economic tools and resources we have in a simple, easy to understand forum thread or post so it's no longer necessary for people to search throughout the forums to find things. If people have an Economic tool or link they'd like included in this, have them send it to me via forum PM.

regretfulone: What are your thoughts on the new economic changes (and those still to come)?

Evry: I am at this point hesitant to say if I like or dislike the economic changes being made to eRepublik due to the rapid pace of changes being made. While I do like that admin are paying attention to the Econ Module, I'd appreciate some forewarning and the ability to prepare for the changes before they happen. At this point all I can say is I'm eager to see the end-game of this and hope that one day we'll be able to look back at the changes and be grateful for what actions we took when they were being rolled out.

regretfulone: What eRep economist do you look up to or has mentored your along your eLife?

Evry: This is a tough question. I like the idea of Stuff > Gold that was largely invented and supported by One Eye. I however have looked up to Jewitt and his ability to not just be closeted into a single part of the game. He's been an economist, a soldier, a President, and a variety of other Government positions. As far as economists goes, Jewitt would have to be the one I look up to the most.

Thanks Evry!

There year and term is winding down to a close, but there is plenty of work still to be done. We have lots more on the way so stay tuned and stay warm.

Have a Holly Jolly Frosty Christmas everyone!

~ CRoy and the White House Media Team