Return To Congress

Day 1,128, 17:07 Published in USA USA by John Largo

I am running for Congress in KYUSHU!!!

I have recently become a fan of theme music, and since it is almost 1 year to the date that I first was elected to congress, I think THIS will set the mood.

I was a Senator for 3 consecutive terms in early 2010. During my tenure, I think I helped contribute to discussions and organization. I started off fairly naive to the ways of taxation and the budget, but after listening to Sydiot and Dr Tango "debate" Joe DaSmoe for weeks, I learned the viewpoints of all sides and settled in on my opinion. I decided that tax policy should first maximize the strength of the eUSA's military and secondly allow for low priced food and weapons purchased at home.

I left congress after those 3 terms, because everything seemed to be under control, and I wanted to let the new guys have a chance to learn the same way I did, by experience. I thought I could better help new guys, by giving them advise on how to conduct themselves in congress, as well as teaching them how to get elected. This is when I gave birth to "THE LARGO ENDORSEMENT". I am proud that many of the people I endorsed and mentored have made it into congress and help run this country today.

So now you might be asking why am I now running again for congress after so long. Well I have 4 reasons I am running, and they are also the reasons that you should vote for me.

1. The UIP invited me to. They asked me to run in Kyushu and if they ask me to change, then I will update this article with any changes (A good reason to subscribe) There are some great minds in the UIP and I want to lend any experience I have to help strengthen the party. Mark my words, the UIP will give us a country president before the close of 2011.

2. The whole tax debate that exploded into the public media a few weeks ago tells me that meaningful debate is not present in the congressional chambers. I want to make sure all sides are heard, so someone doesn't feel the urge to storm off and expose national secrets to the world.

3. I wasn't involved in the Revolution/Counter-Revolution distraction. I am clean and free of mud.

4. I want to learn where our tax dollars are going and determine if a small drop in income taxes will be possible. Wanna know what I will do for our economy? I'll Fix it!

The stats:
3 time eUS Senator
3 company manager
former Community Development Program volunteer
former DemRep Director of Recruiting
21 Battle Hero Awards

So I am asking for you to move to Kyushu on Christmas day and vote for John Largo under the UIP banner. If you message me, I will gladly send you moving tickets to help you get to the polls.

Other guys to consider:
The Sensei
Justin McCravok