Reelect Lt. Scheisskopf for Michigan!

Day 1,068, 12:19 Published in USA USA by Lieutenant Scheisskopf
Sorry, war subscribers. This is my campaign for reelection to the eUS Congress (see this eRepublik Wiki page for my bio). I will resume my war-related coverage with my next article.

As the title indicates, I am asking the citizens of the eUnited States to reelect me in Michigan to represent you all in Congress once more. I want to thank everyone who voted for me one month ago and hope I can count on your support again (send me a PM if you are willing to help, and I will provide food and moving tickets). I would also like to thank my peers in Congress this past month for working with me these past 30 days and for their very favorable feedback in the Congresional Peer Review, in recognition of my efforts in Congres; I am flattered to have been ranked 5th overall (1st amongst first-term Congressmen), and honored to know that many veteran Congressmen consider me to be one of the best-reviewed first-term Congressmen that they have ever seen. With your support, I hope to build on this momentum with an even more positive and productive second term.

I promised I would bring my pragmatic outlook on eRep to
Congress last month, and have done my best to follow through

What I have done
In the past month, I was an active and engaged Congress member on our forums, and drew on my knowledge of eRepublik war and foreign affairs to initiate or inform discussions on the alliance scenarios of the six new countries; on the status of Phoenix amidst recent developments; on feedback from Operation Monkey Business; and other topics. I have participated actively in domestic affairs, partaking in debates on the new citizen fee, tax changes and philosophies, and plans for protecting the eUSA. I have fostered communication across groups, taken initiative with day-to-day Congress issues, and been involved with protecting eUS citizenship and immigration security. The past 30 days have also given me chances to teach the career politicians about how the military functions, while learning from them about how Congress operates.

My Voting Record in the 34th Congress
I originally intended to post my entire voting record in this article, but to save space, I have put it in this Google Doc; the dates in it correspond to the day that voting closed. You can see every vote there that was held during this past term, how I voted, and any explanations when they were necessary. My voting record shows that I voted smart and in the eUSA’s interests, that I never sought ‘lulz,’ and that I took each vote seriously. I will continue to do this, if reelected.

Let's reach for the stars in the month ahead

What I have in store
The one sure thing is ‘more of the same’ from me in the effort I give. I will continue to be pragmatic, all-inclusive, and easily approachable in my second term. I will offer to take a greater leadership role in Congress (I was honored to be nominated as Speaker of the House this past month-- even with no experience in Congress at the time) now that I have more experience, and welcome the increased responsibilities implied from being a leader. Although I have built on my first term campaign and demonstrated common sense in my work, I know there is more that I, and we, can do.

Operation Monkey Business has been a great success in generating interest and enthusiasm for the game among existing eUS citizens, and with the funding, a goal of mine would be to implement a similar program which is more focused towards meeting one of three goals: citizen retention, military success, or establishing a wider “bell curve” of engaged and active eUS citizens. In all of these, the same concept that comprised OMB would simply be more channeled towards a definitive end, be it keeping citizens interested, bringing in new players, or winning on the battlefield. OMB’s only limitation was that we did not define beforehand what would make it a success overall; for every person who has enjoyed the free handouts, there are others who point to the limited, real success which has resulted from this program. If we better define what we are aiming to achieve, then success will be clearly within our reach.

Let's work together and soar. As a very wise man once sai😛
"together, we have strength beyond measure."

Relatedly, I want to keep bridging the divide that lies between eUSA military personnel, politically-motivated citizens, and disenchanted third party observers. The eUSA’s greatest resource is its people, and I hope to draw out our full potential-- in size, skills, and diversity-- so we may achieve greater success and derive more satisfaction from our gaming experience.

Endorsements & Closing
I have received the following endorsements:

"Endorsed. But I'm too lazy to make a fancy graphic." - Ligtreb
"You've already won." - AFL_ITALIA
"I uber endorse this candidate." - Jameson L. Tai
"Super endorse!!!" - Justin McCravok
"Endorsed by this cereal monger." - CRoy
"You're beautiful." - hiispie2
--- I am glad to add any other endorsements and kind words that you may offer 🙂 ---

With that, I hope for your vote and your support. Do not forget to send me a PM if you are willing to move to Michigan and vote for me on Day 1070. I look forward to serving in Congress once more.

God Bless America,

Lt. Scheisskopf
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