Reelect HobbitTon in New Hampshire!

Day 1,036, 15:48 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon
If you are willing to vote for me, I will be able to vote for and would like moving tickets or food, please contact me because I will be able to donate them to you free of charge!

Previous Congressional Platforms
New Hampshire #1
New Hampshire #2

They would vote for me!

It's almost that time of month again in which we precariously venture towards the polls in order to vote for the select few candidates that would best represent the citizens of the United States of America best in Congress. In the past few months, our legislative activity has been increasingly disappointing. For instance, the most prominent discussion from this current term was the impeachment of Necros Xiaoban as Speaker of the House. Since this was entirely procedural, it did not help the American people in any way.

It's time to buckle down and get serious. No longer can we afford to let Congress sit on their bottoms and hope for change to happen. Admins have promised to implement features very similar to the original eRepublik by the end of this month. As a result, this would be the perfect opportunity for Congress to help the United States progress as a New World superpower.

The citizens of the United States have been suffering, so please heed this as a warning if you are running for the 34th Mandate. The Executive Branch as well as the United States Military have stepped up their game to accommodate the needs of the citizens. Should Congress as well? That is why I am running for my third term in Congress under the Federalist Party from my birth state, New Hampshire!


2-Term eUS Congressmen (Currently representing New Hampshire)
Director of the IES
Former Congressional Writer
White House Press Release Writer
TC Graduate
Former World History Teacher at NAU
Former Ambassador to eParaguay


Immigration is a touchy issue, especially for me. Earlier this term, Laxsnor honorably resigned for him post as IES Director to become the new ICE Director, and since I was the Chief of Staff of the IES at the time, I became the IES Director. While I knew Laxsnor's job was difficult, I didn't comprehend the magnitude of difficulty until I was on the job.

There is no surprise that the IES is heavily understaffed even though it does a tremendous role in the Immigration process for the United States. We interrogate possible new citizens for the US. In my opinion, the reason for this lack of volunteer is because we do unglorified work in the immigration department, but work isn't supposed to make you well-known. It's supposed to get things done.

If you reelect me back into Congress, I will heavily push to pass legislation in which every Senator will be directly accountable for successfully completing a case file or at least get basic training on the job. Most Senators would not be satisfied with this, but being in Congress means you are willing to do some grunt work. With the increased amount of personal, more case files would be done.

Without a perfected procedural plan for immigration, it is quite possible for Political Takeovers to become much more easier. Since eRepublik is constantly changing, shouldn't we at lease evaluate the current immigration procedures and analyze it for loopholes? We cannot underestimate any PTOers because that is when we let our guard down the most. Although the procedure might not need to change at all, if you reelect me, I will at least bring it up to my peers.

Education and Retainment

Since the arrival of eRepublik Rising, active players have left this game by the thousands every week. As a result, it has been much easier to infiltrate a government or spoil the market than it was months ago. Look at Canada. Furthermore, the American population has been too bright lately. Don't believe me? Just look at the rubbish newspapers polluting our mainstream media on a daily basis. How can we expect to fix America if we cannot fix the citizens first?

I remember my rookie term in Congress quite vividly. It was a fun experience for me, but many times it was quite discouraging because I had no idea what was going on. When I posted in threads and didn't know what I was saying, I was looked down upon. And that's okay. I took the time look over previous Congressional threads and learn more about procedures.

Most Senators would not be tolerant enough or have enough time for what I did. I can only imagine how many first-timers would be clueless on their first weeks in Congress. If all the Senators were on the same page in a couple of days, we could get so much done. If reelected, I would urge legislation to do the Congressional Mentor Program. It was attempted this term, but alas, it failed.

Linking back to my former topic, the IES is not an easy job. No matter if you want to hear it or not, the IES is heavily procedural, and it can quite overwhelming for the rookie agent. We do have a current "training thread" on the eUSA Forums, but that is probably not enough for someone to fully comprehend this job. Since some people are visual learners, I will try my best to make a Google Docs Presentation for the new IES agents.


You cannot have a divide between any section of the government, but relations between Congress and the military have been difficult these former months. As a lieutenant and Commanding Officer of the 301st Platoon in the Training Corps, I work with the military everyday, and it has enriched my eLife for the better. I will try my best to bridge the wide gap between us so we can cooperatively get things done.

As always, I always believe we should fund the military as much as we can! Not only are they our line of defense, but they are also a cornerstone species of our country. If they were bad, that would just be an interpretation to the rest of the world that we stink and should be taken over. I'm not going to let that happen.


Similar to our real life counterpart, the United States could be doing better economically. I feel that taxes are right where they should be right now because of the money it brings to keep the United States afloat. The one tax that keeps on bothering me is our import tax. Import tax is the tax which increases the prices of imported goods. In essence, higher import taxes means more less imported goods on the market.

While having some imported goods would be good during wartime, since the war module is being reformed, more wars would happen more frequently. I feel that we should increase the import tax just a little bit so we can defend the security of our companies. As the general manager of HobbitTon Industries, I hate competing with imported goods in our own market, but I know it is good to give the American people choice. The only thing is, if we keep the money in our economy, wouldn't that benefit us?

Well, that's about it for this platform. You know what to do on the 25th. Reelect HobbitTon back into Congress in New Hampshire! Now before I close off, watch as I scroll some of my very, very cool endorsements!