Vote HobbitTon for New Hampshire!

Day 1,005, 10:09 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon
I need Mobile Voters! PM me for moving tickets if you want to vote for me. Thank you!

Here is my platform from the last election season!

Well, I’m back. I just cannot believe I have come this far. I have only been playing eRepublik since late June, and already I have had a very positive month in Congress. It has been filled with so many happy days. I can remember the times where I had fun rioting, I mean debating against Jacksondr5. Furthermore, I remember having a very nice mentor, Henry Arundel, showing me the ropes of Congress. And with that, I am asking for your support once more. I am running for my second term in Congress again in the great state of New Hampshire!

A Student of Congress

When I first entered through the large doors of Congress, I saw so many things going on at once. For example, Necros Xiaoban was walking around eating his Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Custer was riding this mule. I mean, was I supposed to bring a mule? This is only an exaggeration of course, to show you I was dumbfounded by what was going on. I’m not gonna lie to you, the first week of my Congressional experience was rough. I had trouble using my time wisely. Furthermore, I prematurely started discussion on topics I had no idea about.

For that reason, I migrated back to my little fortress in The Shire and decided to be a student of Congress. Using the crucial advice from fellow Congressmen such as Speaker of the House Necros Xiaoban and Henry Arundel. I went back and studied previous threads started by my forerunners. I put all my findings in a composition notebook, which I keep to this day, so I can refer back to anything I need with the turn of a page. Furthermore, I study this notebook, so it stays stuck in my hobbit sized brain. As a result, things started clicking, and by the second week, I was rolling along.

I believe that you can never stop learning. Since Congress is always changing, you must keep learning to stay fit as a Congressman. If elected again, I will still look over old threads, and keep adding to my notebook. As a result, I hope to become a better Congressman.

HobbitTon at Work

Since you elected me, I haven’t been sitting on my hobbit tush all day. Well, I have, except when I was spying on Golum’s lawn gnomes. With all seriousness though, I was working on a lot of things which I am very proud of. Here are some of the things I was doing during my time in the 32nd Congress:

One of the things I was most proud of this term was my work in the Speaker’s Word. The Speaker’s Word is the official paper of the United States Congress. I was appointed by Necros Xiaoban, with Gulden Draak as my editor. It has been a blast working along side that great man. Continuing on, I have tried to release a new edition every week and receive feedback. The purpose of The Speaker’s Word is to submit an unbiased overview of what Congress has been up to for that week. It has been amazing to bridge any gaps there were between Congress and the general public.

After the second week in the 32nd Mandate, I was getting involved with discussions and understanding what was being said. Discussions are important because they help you reach a new level of Congressional experience. Discussions help other Congressmen decide how to vote, if the discussion transforms into a vote later on.

Economic Policy

The economy should be the first priority of any Congressman due to the fact that Congress can directly change economical things. We have the power to change taxes and modify the bill as needed. To begin with, my opinion on taxes is that we need to try to keep an equilibrium between the government and the people. After the launch of eRepublik Rising, times have gotten tougher for both the government and it’s citizens. I will work to find a way to make everyday necessities as cheap as possible for citizens while the government can still make a little bit of money, to fund necessary programs.

After the recent implementation of manual feeding, many people, especially soldiers, have been buying more food. Because of this, I feel that it is in the best interest of the people if the Value Added Tax on food was lowered. It is now at 5%, but if we lower it, it could make the food more affordable to citizens.

Since money is needed more than ever, we need to find more creative ways for the government to keep a surplus of money. This is going to be difficult, but this is where the creativity will kick in. I will try my best to make sure the budget is modified, so we aren’t losing money in useless places. Most of the time, problems come from an unorganized budget. While our budget is very organized, modifications can always be made. For example, when some parts of the government don’t need as much money that week, we can more money to places that do need it.

Military Policy

The military policy of a candidate is another factor that someone should take when deciding who to vote for, but it is probably not as significant as the economic policy. Nonetheless, it is good to have. First of all, I want to make sure that Congress and the JCS communicate. Communication is key because that way we comprehend what the situation is and how we can help. Also, I feel that we should be giving the JCS more freedom with their money because they know the military situation better than we do.


Once someone is voted into Congress, they need to be accountable from there on and stay accountable. I can do just that, and more. In my time in the 32nd Congress, I have never missed a vote. In addition to that, I was very involved in different things around Congress.


I publish all of my votes in my newspaper. I have nothing to hide.