Presidential Update : Day 870

Day 870, 21:06 Published in Ireland Ireland by patton

Unfortunately erepublik was offline the entire morning thus postponing my morning update. Hopefully this night edition will do the trick.


Right now this single word is dominating my administration. Over the last three days we have been putting in many hours to prepare Ireland for invasion by the red coats. As you have seen by the Defense orders we recently deployed two units to help Norway against the Brits. They were sent in order to work out our distribution system and work some activity into the IDF. From now on I plan to make deployments the norm for all units to encourage activity and to have some good fun.

With the British conquest of Norway the UK now controls a high oil region which means they will get a big boost to their economy. It is my intention to deprive the British of this region. Once Norway has been wiped off of the map(and the British MPPs are useless) we will work together with the legitimate Norwegian government to help them secure their regions.

In other news, you might noticed that one of our fellow Bro nations, Canada has offered to sign a Mutual Protection Pact with us. Their CP, Derek Harland generously offered to pay 150 out of the 200 gold in order to stand beside us when the British Imperialists attempt to storm our shores. Derek Harland is a great president and I am very happy that our relationship with our fellow Bros is already strong. In addition to this, yesterday we voted to renew our MPP with our other Bro, the United States .

The United Kingdom has a population of almost 8000 while Ireland stands at a wee 1700. However, we will resist the British at every turn. With the grace of the eGod and help of our Bros , British blood will run on the sands of our beaches and in countless battlefields across the eWorld.

07 Ireland !