Presidential Governing; Why not?

Day 876, 12:23 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by DanielB1989

Dear friends of the great eUnited Netherlands,

Today I am writing you about one of the most important issues which is currently being discussed;

The change of our political system.

AndreasIsaksson, proposed the idea yesterday and a heavy discussion followed after. I think we should really consider this proposal carefully; the eUnited Netherlands is very divided on this issue.

In this article I will explain what in my opinion should change and how the change should happen, and then I will shine my light on the pro’s and con’s and to conclude I will try to explain why this proposal is so important to be accepted.

The new system: Presidential governing

Why this proposal: In the current system we get a new President on the 5th of each month. The President has a lot of power in-game, however in the eUnited Netherlands the President is not given any capabilities to lead its country. It is merely a figurehead. On the 25th of each month there are congressional elections; the party president of the winning party has to form a coalition with other parties to form a government. This time-consuming (sometimes up to 10 days (that’s over 30% of the total governing time) ) procedure withholds the government from being as effective as it could be. Also the consensus- environment in the government doesn’t help the efficiency of the government. The government is backed by the congress, but it never is fully capable of working to its full potential. Now, when a new government is formed, just a few days after, a new president is chosen which also requires time to get adjusted to the new situation.

All together, in our current system, we have consensus but we lack a lot of efficiency

Q: So how would this system you are supporting work?

Ok, time to give a clear explanation about it.

I will make a basic assumption here, for the sake of argument that the presidential campaigning starts on the 1st of every month.

Before starting the campaign the Presidential-candidate designs his program and goals he would like to achieve. He then, selects people who he thinks fit best in the cabinet to achieve those goals.

‘’The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.’’
All the Presidential candidates debate with each other about who has the best program and goals; all in the ultimate goal to convince the voters to vote for them. This process is also calle😛

Then on the 5th of each month the time has come; after all heated campaigns and intense debates it’s time for you, for the citizens of the eUnited Netherlands to cast your:

Then the day after the elections when all votes are counted, no uncertainties are remaining, we have a NEW government!!

This whole system focuses on fast, transparent and efficient governing. However there still will be the congress that will have all the power to stop the government from pursuing their goals, if the congress believes there goals aren’t just and right.

To summarize quickly:

No time without government
You vote for the people who govern you
Higher quality of the government (due to being able to pick players from every party)

Some people are very much against this, but all together I hear just 1 main reasons boiling down to this:

Power shifts from the parties to the president;

This is certainly NOT true, the power shifts from the party president to the people of the eUnited Netherlands, from now on you will be able to choose the government yourself, which will greatly improve the power of the people. For example if an unknown candidate is trying to win the presidential seat, many people are afraid of the consequences, because of the uncertainties, it will help him/her if he/she can present the whole government who will support the president.

Furthermore, the power of the president will not greatly increase; it will only make sure the president is more transparent and clear on its goals. The power of the president can/will be eliminated mostly by the congress, the organ with the most power of the eUnited Netherlands, every time they have to vote on new law proposals and government acting.

So to summarize the new system gives:
A faster, more transparent and more efficient government
More democracy
Higher Quality

I hope you support this proposal just like me! Lets discuss and make the eUNL a more democratic place!


Just another citizen