Population Statistics 29th August - Life after Doomsday

Day 1,013, 08:47 Published in Serbia United Kingdom by Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado

Hello. Welcome to another edition of eWorld Population Stats! This week we look at how each country has fared in nearly 1 week after the “Doomsday”. A lot of you would have probably read my articles a few months ago where I included an active citizens table within this article series. As I still do not know of any tools where I can filter through updated citizen feed I have had to scrap that section of my article. With no active citizen count I’ve also decided to scrap my “Focus on” series of articles for now. Hopefully one day when the API is reliable I can start to write more about active citizens in countries. 🙁

I have posted this article in Serbia twice and both times it has managed to get into the International news. Last week when I posted this in Serbia it got to 5th in the international rankings so I have decided that for now I will post this in Serbia again so that a wider range of people will be able to view it. I am in no way abandoning UK media; I just want more people to read my articles and posting in Serbia will allow me to achieve that. 🙂

One more note. If Someone wants to use the images or just translate this whole article then you have my permission…however please put a link back to this original article. 😃

For new readers of my article

I have gathered the latest figures on the population. The population shown below are from Sunday each week. I will be posting a new article every Sunday with updated stats and identifying a best performer and worst performer.


Link to full table!

Click This table to see a bigger version of it.

Summary of the week

On the 23rd August; all of the people who were stuck on 0 wellness finally died. This resulted in about 38% of the population dying. This was a huge story so I won’t go into huge detail here because I wrote an article on it the day it happened. Click here to view the article. The article includes the shift in rankings and who lost the most citizens.

Now onto the battle coverage. I’ll start with the eUK. Since last week the UK has impeached it’s Prime Minister John Bartlett so that Jamesw could take charge. Since the changeover of power the UK has managed to retake a few regions from Canada. This was extremely important because of the Congress elections. On the 25th the UK had 6 regions therefore was able to elect a healthy amount of congressmen. During the 25th; the UK attacked a Canadian Region even though a so called ceasefire was announced by the UK and Canada. However; on closer inspection the wording used in the agreement meant that a battle could not end on the 25th; with Jamesw attacking on the 25th; it meant that when the battle had ended its duration it would be the 26th; therefore no rules would be broken. The Canadian CP decided to retreat the battle therefore breaking the Ceasefire agreement. After the congress elections the UK used region swapping to swap Netherlands and France into some of its regions to keep them safe. A few Resistance wars are now being auctioned to help pay for the costs of saving the UK. In the end it looks to me as if Canada had a lot of gold to “have fun with” and although it had moderate success it did not achieve what a handful of countries have tried and failed to do in the past which is capture London. Result of the war was that Canada spent a lot of its gold and now has 2 sets of MPPs to worry about. Interesting times ahead that’s all I can say. 🙂

Onto the Russian front and it seems I was correct when I said that the USA would give Poland and China a region each. Poland managed to get arguably the most valuable region in the game; Western Siberia with 3 high resources and China got Eastern Siberia, a region which also has three high resources. The question on many people’s mind when Poland got Western Siberia was “Are they still paying that 3000g a month to rent out USA’s regions?” It’s been a few days now and there has been no official word (that I’ve seen) from the USA or Polish government about the matter. Obviously paying 3000g a month for resources that you’ve just conquered elsewhere is silly, but the matter is that they still hold the USA regions. The regions hold strategic importance as they are able to block Russia from moving too far south into the USA whilst also being able to attack the UK and help drain damage on that battlefield. I guess we will have to wait for more developments on that; I can imagine that they’re waiting to see the outcome of the battles taking place right now. Serbia managed to gain an open war with Poland and attacked Inner Mongolia; Serbia won that and has now attacked China in Eastern Siberia. Poland has also re-attacked Inner Mongolia so there are many different things that could happen. I’ll try and explain below

1) Serbia wins in Eastern Siberia and in Inner Mongolia; goes onto attack Western Siberia
2) Serbia wins in Eastern Siberia but loses Inner Mongolia; Can attack Western Siberia but Liaoning is under threat
3) Serbia Loses both battles; can’t attack Western Siberia; Poland will most likely attack Liaoning.

USA also managed to lose Far Eastern Russia only a few days after taking it. At the moment it looks like the current battles could ultimately decide the future of Phoenix. If they can beat China/Poland then they’ll most likely Keep Liaoning and save Russia…but if they don’t win these battles today then it looks like Serbia could be pushed out of Asia and it might be a while before Russia can be whole again.

Small note on Bolivia; they managed to get back on the map thanks to a Resistance war. Congratulations! 😃

Brazil have also managed to gain a new high titanium region at the expense of a PTO’d South Africa. Congrats!

Moving onto potential baby booms and two countries this week. Firstly Serbia. I haven’t been able to look fully into this story but from what I can gather there was a baby boom campaign and it ended up getting Serbia 2000 citizens. It looked very encouraging until I was informed that some of that increase was actually a multi account circle with anywhere from 600-1000 citizens within it. It saddens me that even after all of the events that have taken place over the last weeks/months we still see these bots in the system. I do not think that the person behind the bot attack is from Serbia as it happened again in Singapore yesterday. Singapore have quadrupled their population in a little under 24 hours. The majority of new citizens link to one account. I think the overall aim of these bots is to steal the currency in the Country accounts therefore taking 100s of potential gold away from the governments. 🙁


I could have easily named China or Poland as the winner this week. However I think that the current battles could ultimately undo any of the progress that they have made during the week. Therefore I have decided to choose Serbia as the winner this week. This may seem like an easy country to put as winner this week but I think they have deserved it. This week Serbia managed to gain an open war with Poland and attack them one versus one. This battle seemed to many to be a warm up for the inevitable attack on Liaoning. Serbia proved that they are a force to be reckoned with by managing to beat Poland in Inner Mongolia and go on to attack China in Eastern Siberia. Serbia also managed to move up to pass Poland on the population rankings; The first time in 2010 may I add. This may have been helped with a few multi accounts not originating from Serbia but I hope that doesn’t spoil the achievement of being #1! Now to the stats and it shows that Serbia gained 2671 citizens moving up 2 places to be first. They had a growth rate of 14.87% Congratulations on being the winner this week Serbia and hopefully those bots can be dealt with soon. 😃


The loser this week is unfortunately Canada. As I’ve explained above their CP was outsmart by the UK CP with ceasefire rules and many different plans including swapping in France and the Netherlands. In the end I think that the war was just a big waste of gold for Canada. As they now only have 1 original UK region they haven’t really achieved anything in the long term. Moving to the stats and Canada lost 704 citizens moving down 1 rank to be 14th and having a contraction rate of 10.68%. Unlucky Canada. Good luck next week. :3

There is no upcoming country this week. Check back next week though! :3


As you can see from this graph the top 20 countries are shown. Using this graph you can clearly identify where the biggest changes are.

Serbia – Baby Boom/Bot Boom
Poland – Dead Babies
Hungary – Dead Babies
China – Lost regions to Poland (to allow them to swap to Western Siberia)
Canada – Lost UK regions

Singapore – Bots
South Africa – Lost a region to Brazil

Bolivia – Back on the map!
Malaysia – lost a region to Indonesia

Other Notes

- This time last week the gap between Serbia and Poland was 13,000 citizens in favour of Poland (before deathday)...now it is nearly a gap of 1000 in favour of Serbia. That’s a huge change in the space of a week!

- Serbia and Singapore gained over 1000 citizens this week..although they were helped by bots 🙁

- No one lost over 1000 citizens this week. The closest was Poland as they lost 963 citizens.

Quick Stats

These links direct to other tables, each of these tables show the top 5 of each category. 🙂

Biggest Population Change

Highest Growth and Contraction


Congrats to AntonySRB for winning last week’s contest. Please contact me for your prize. I used a random number generator to get the result.

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