Poland have our regions !

Day 1,993, 16:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by nathaner

Today's article will explain my opinion on Poland holding our regions.

(in an ideal word)

As many of you may or may not know , Poland is currently holding on to our regions, Wales and south west of England. Many of you would think that this is a deterrent against Argentina air striking us again but it is unlikely that they would try because

world map

)they are wiped by Chile
)the result would be similar to their first attempt
)they are trying to get friendly with TWO.

A more likely explanation is that Wales has iron , a resource America currently lacks and something they would want and could provide an excuse for war. However , America is unlikely to invade us because they believe that TWO is planning to invade them . This would mean that if they attacked us , Serbia and Poland would attack them and they would have wasted the NE they would desperately need against Serbia. This makes it unlikely that America will invade us and not even BA is stupid(or drunk)enough to invade them. This means that there is no practical reason for Poland holding on to our regions and it would be best for us to have them back because

)British and Polish damage will be wasted every other day on a pointless RW.
)eUK could control all the British isles
)it feels unifying for a country to have all its original regions .

(America after TWO is done with them )

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