Plato CAN listen!

Day 1,304, 18:41 Published in USA USA by Kijiman

Well it appears Plato has updated the game again, and I've got an opinion about it, so I'm going to forcefully shove it into your ears until you agre- I mean, explain it to you. There's also some other stuff in there too.

Now I know in my previous article I said some things about Plato that we all agreed with at the time, but I think that today's updates show that Plato can listen, and actually understands the nature of his mistakes, and how to fix them. Now, it might just be that in his attempt to screw up this game even more, he actually single-handedly fixed every problem that was caused by all of his updates, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

First off, there's the addition of the country status bar.

I don't know about you, but I am extremely grateful for this feature. It allows people to keep track of battles that were fought in, who to fight against, and how well the eUS is doing as a country overall. This is much better than the previous system of doing things, which was go find someone much better at writing articles than me, and see what's going on in the eWorld that way. But besides that, it unifies the country, allowing people to see where the fight is going on, and whose country they need to kill. With fire.

They also allowed people to recover their specified amount of health every six hours. This, alone, may have saved this game. Let me explain why.

Every morning I would wake up, eat some breakfast, and check eRep to see which state Spain had doomed while I was sleeping. They were usually at about 6 fights to 0, so that already dampened my mood. And realizing that we had already lost that fight, I awaited a more important battle that would surely come later that night. This is one of the reasons Spain was able to conquer so much of America, nobody would fight in the morning so their health refills would be able to be used later that night. However with the addition of this update, it allows eAmerica not only to defend its country at night, but it allows us to attack another country at night, or at least liberate another one of our states. This also eliminates the ability to create "Time Zone Bubbles" where if one country attacks another country at mid-day in the attacking country, and it is 12 AM in the defending country, there is nobody there to defend it.

Another benefit of this update is it allows overproduction to cease as people can now recover twice or even three times the amount of health, or in other words, three times the amount of food required. This also will give food some worth again, as the amount of it in the eWorld decreases substantially. This will over time give food some worth again, instead of being able to work for one day and buy 800 health worth of food.

My kudos to you Plato, it appears you do know how to listen to the players grumbles as well as fix them. This update appears to be the first good one for a while, and I hope they continue on this path. Remember, features, not free stuff!

In other news, PP elections were yesterday. Failed PTO attempt, the Libs were named "GAYYYYYYYYYYYY" for a while after being booted off the top 5 by the UIP's PTOer (Political Takeoverer?)Pizza the Hut's multis and blind followers. My congratulations to anybody who made it in, we all appreciate the hard work it takes to get into that spot. Like I said, the UIP is now a top 5 party!

Me, being a member of the UIP, I'm happy, but we all know it's not going to last very long. The Libs are only behind by a few members, but hey, it was fun while it lasted.

Poland has now reached the western border of France, here's hoping that the new 6-hour health system helps the eUS control the prophesied onslaught, as well as keep Spain from taking any more states.

I go to post this article, and I can't decide which category to post it in.

Warfare Analysis- Yeah talked a bit about that at the end there, didn't I.

Political Debates and analysis- Sure, mentioned PP elections in there somewhere.

Financial business- Yeah, talked a lot about that, food prices and such.

Social interactions and Entertainment- This seems to be the "everything/other" category. I'll just put it in there.