The eUS Today

Day 1,300, 23:13 Published in USA USA by Kijiman

This is my first article here at Kiji-Vision and I thought I would take some time to describe what is happening to the US through the eyes of a not-even-one-month-old player.

The eUSA is under attack. Not just the occasional jab from Mexico, or a poke from our neighbors up north, I'm talking a full-scale, three-prong invasion from Sweden, Spain, and an invasion through our bros up in France by Poland and Hungary. You know this. It would be very difficult NOT to know this. However, the eUS has been invaded before (or so I've heard), and we've recovered over time, so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Perhaps.

The main problem in MY eyes is the fact that all we're doing is relying on our massive amount of regions to cover the heavy losses that are being incurred from Spain's relentless invasion through the eUS. As of the time I am writing this, Spain controls roughly 20% of the eUS' regions before the invasion (11). Of course, we've had some victories, won back a couple of regions, but Spain is still advancing, and soon we'll be in a position I would undoubtedly dislike very much, having to defend the eUS' few remaining regions while the invading countries decide amongst themselves how to distribute all of the new regions they have obtained. This is a problem. We do not have unlimited regions, and eventually we're going to have to take all of these regions back one by one (if we let this continue), and Spain won't go down without a fight, meaning that there will be no chances to continue our military conquests elsewhere for an extended period of time.

Another serious problem is a lack of unification in the eUS' various military groups choices in where to fight. Every military group is undoubtedly fighting wherever their leaders determine to be the best place to fight for the eUS. I'm not a military genius quite yet, so I can't question the legitimacy of how militia groups choose where to fight, and for what reasons, but I can say this; If the US gets down to only a few regions, they won't have a choice of where to fight. Once we get down a point where we have very few regions left, we won't HAVE anywhere else to fight, so the various militias and armies will be forced to fight in the US until other regions can be controlled. Now before you say "yadda yadda, MPP's", realize that when the US is cornered into a few regions, most militias will realize that its no longer the time to be fighting elsewhere, so the only logical choice is to fight in the US, for the US.

This was the eUS the day I joined eRepublik:

We even controlled three regions in Spain, and Brazil was in on the action too.

Now here's the eUS today:

Foreign colors both in the US and in Canada to our north.

And Spain (Apart from the canary islands) is no longer occupied.

So my question is:
What happened?

Obviously our preoccupation with rage-quitting and complaining about Plato's continual updates (not going to discuss that in detail here) played at least some factor in letting Spain take over this much of our country. But as I mentioned earlier, it is probably mostly due to the fact that because of our previous 51-region "cushion" we don't really care about losing one or two of these regions, possibly why Indiana remained occupied for so long (The source of the plague).

Now I've been spouting problems that I've found with our policies regarding the defense of the eUS, and I realize that I'm probably too inexperienced at this game to fully comprehend the situation at hand. And I understand that. But either way, it would be a terrible article if I didn't offer some type of solution to this never-ending chaos.

First, we need to make this invasion less menacing. As I said earlier, we are under a three prong attack. And it's a race against time before Hungary and Poland get through France and they negotiate safe passage through Spain to get to the eUS. So, we need to take out each prong of the attack separately. If we go for Spain first, the obvious decision Sweden will be able to launch their attack on the US, allowing time for the other two pigs to reach us, devastating the eUS. Another solution would be to take out Sweden before they can attack, and with their passage to the US gone through the UK, Spain would become our main focus, so we would be able to take them out and form a secure defense for the time being. However, Canada is already taking out the trash, as Sweden is in their territory, so we shouldn't have to worry about them too much for the time being. Seeing as how we can't directly attack Hungary or Poland just yet, the first two options would seem the most logical, and they are. Which takes me to option #3, The Canary Islands.

The best defense is a good offense:

Yes, the only way to beat Spain is to distract them enough in their own country that they will be forced to defend it, meaning that a basic series of resistance wars (without much resistance) should be able to cleanse the eUS of its plague. This attack would work twofold; One, distracting Spain so they would not be able to continue their conquest into the eUS, and two; creating a first line of defense against Hungary and Poland before they hit the eUS' real borders. Why do we need the Canary Islands though? It works as a fallback territory. In case Spain gets mad, and tries to stem the attack at its source, it will be in the Canary Islands instead of in one of the states.

It's foolproof, (Although with the sheer amount of fools in Spain, its going to be risky) and with the unification of all the eUS' military force, fighting for a single cause, we can and will return the eUS to its former glory.

So that about sums it up.

I hope you've enjoyed this look into the eUS through the eyes of me, Kijiman.