Pizza The Hut Thanks Supporters!

Day 1,415, 21:32 Published in USA USA by Pizza The Hut II

Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement....

Thank you to my supporters for a great campaign. We had to deal with the shocking and saddening sudden assassination of my late father, Pizza The Hut, may he rest in cheesy peace, but despite that we were able to put together this campaign on short notice and put up a respectable showing. We are running well ahead of where we were last month. Our movement continue to gain momentum and the word is spreading. I could not do it without you. Thank you all for your continued faith in my leadership and our vision for a greater eAmerica.

I called President Auctoritas offering my congratulations on a second term. I hope this month will be one which brings greater unity for the eAmerican people and a better eWorld.

In the meantime, there is much work to be done. I will continue my efforts to both strengthen the New Conservative Party, the leading voice of liberty in the eUSA and proudly the most diverse party in our nation as well as my efforts towards making the American Eagle Division the premier line of defense in the eUSA. We may not be in the White House today, but one day we will be, and until that day... there is much work to be done.

Your Faithful Servant,
Pizza The Hut
NCP Candidate for Country President