Phoenix/Eden reforming.... welcome to ground zero

Day 2,264, 14:34 Published in Slovakia Czech Republic by Frank Zafka

Building on article written by OldGunFighter, it looks to me like the old monster alliances of EDEN and Phoenix are reforming.

First read his article here:

That's some goooood research there.

But look at the countries he's noticed hooking up and making babies together:
Spain, Poland, Croatia, USA?
Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, Argentina?

This is EDEN and Phoenix round II. These were the major alliances WHEN I FIRST STARTED PLAYING FOREVER AGO. And what a blast from a past it is... a turbulent past for Slovakia and Czech Rep.

Welcome to ground zero, guys. We better pick a side and strap in fast. Because we're about to be in the middle of the Phoenix/EDEN War II: The Bloodening.

Me, I don't have a horse in this race. I've got friends on both sides. Poland, USA, UK. Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia. Whichever way we go, I'll be pleased and sad. But whatever happens needs to happen quick, because we're about to get wrecked. We either fight going one way or fight going to other... but what we don't want to do is "claim neutrality" which is a really good way to invite anyone to come eat our lunch.

So what's it gonna be?
