One Month Later

Day 1,355, 12:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

It has now been a month since my departure from the Unity Party. This had come after many weeks of me warning the party of a potential collapse if the party continued to deny the will of the people. During the weeks leading up to this point, TUP became more assertive in its antidemocratic actions, all while claiming they were becoming more powerful. They were partially right. They, as in the elite and not the people, where getting more powerful. Eventually they came to the point where they believed it was not needed for people who are supportive of the people to be in the party, as it was a threat to the agenda of the elite. The elite had got their way it seemed. So what exactly has happened during this month period? All we need to do is just look at the statistics.

First, let’s begin with the Congress elections. It has been clear for many months that the Unity Party has been struggling in this area. The same excuse is used, how their population is concentrated in London and they have a hard time getting mobile voters. Ok, perhaps in some elections this might be applicable as a factor, but this is not the case in the last election. Usually, the top candidate in London is a TUP member. But the last time this happened was when I had ran under TUP in London back in May. In the last election, TUP had its worst results in two years. Out of all 677 votes, UKRP got 233 votes (34.4😵 and TUP got 174 votes (25.7😵. This is not a problem with distribution, it is with TUP having less voters than UKRP. It’s pretty simple maths. Let’s go back to the May election and look at the numbers. UKRP had 169 votes (25.5😵 and TUP had 182 votes (27.5😵 out of a total of 662 votes. While the population of the UK was smaller back in May, TUP now has a lower amount of voters compared to a few months ago.

Secondly, the Prime Minister Election. TUP has not run an official candidate in many months. This month has changed, with the nomination of McAfee01. He was up against incumbent Daniel Thorrold along with Horice, part of a minor party. Pre-election analysis would suggest that it will be a close race between Thorrold and McAfee, with Horice behind in third. But the election provided the biggest shock that really was not that shocking. Daniel Thorrold won with over half the vote. In a Prime Minister election, to gain more than 50% is rare. Horice came in distant 2nd, with 21% of the vote. And in 3rd place, McAfee, with the worst turnout for a TUP Prime Minister candidate by far in the entire history of the country. 17% is a complete embarrassment for a party that for two years had been number one.

Which leads us to the final point. Within the past week, UKRP passed TUP in number of members, to become the largest party in the country. This ends TUP’s two years as the largest party. TUP might claim that their membership has risen in the last few weeks, but don’t forget that recent changes by admins means that no one loses health at daychange, meaning people don’t die. A month ago, I said TUP had collapsed. TUP denied these claims. But I wonder, how long can TUP deny the obvious. The people have spoken, and everyone is beginning to realise the corruption in TUP, and how it is a party that looks out for the elite, and not the people. They use the term “Unity” to mean that the party backs certain issues under the will of the elite, forcing everyone else to follow them. This is not what unity is about. Unity should be about people of all diversities coming together as one, all freely being able to express their ideas. I know TUP will deny this article and claim that I am wrong. But the statistics don’t lie. How long can TUP keep spinning the data and the truth before there is nothing left of them?
