Once Our Prince, Always Our Prince

Day 884, 11:30 Published in Hungary China by Donnie Bronco
In the memory of Feherlo, regardless of where you may be, resting in our hearts.

History is many things. It is a recollection of events from our past, recorded to show how we have evolved and grown over time. Often, where we are is largely indistinguishable from where we came from. This is where our true History reminds us of times much humbler, and more sincere.

It causes our Present. The Present is the direct result of the History we come from. In Erepublik, whether it be relationships with other nations, open wars and activated MPPs, our Present is dictated by our History, no matter how much we try to run and hide from it.

It shapes our Future. As Nations, Alliances, and People, we cannot move forward into our Future without remembering our past, and considering our present. Since the Present is dictated from our Past, this always brings up the one thing that no one can change, as it has already happened.

The Past - Where we came from

We can all (well, most of us who have been around long enough to see it) remember the initial invasion of Hungary, which caused their first boom (and the birth of one Feherlofia Koppany). This invasion caused a huge rift between the alliances now known as EDEN and PHOENIX (with a little Sol and Entente mixed in). It did not take long for Feherlo's strategic abilities to show, and along with several other long tenured members of PEACE, a plan emerged.

They took the deterrence of Romania and ATLANTIS from Hungary, the failed invasion of France during French Toast, and turned it to something magical. Whether you are a part of EDEN, Brolliance, the United States, the United Kingdom, or Hungary, the North American Invasion (also named Operation Pig Mac or WW3 depending on where you're from), this was one of the most exciting times in Erepublik History. Invasions have been planned merely to match that excitement, to no avail. The simple fact is that no one will be able to duplicate this event. This is saddening to some, yes, but in our World, the North American Invasion can truly be known as a Masterpiece. Among a small handle full of others, we have Feherlo to thank for that.

The Present - Where we are now

Whether anyone wants to look at the big picture, those events still affect the World today. The Americans clamor on about how it would improve them to be invaded again. Countries such as Poland or Spain, who have a small grudge to carry, would like to own a small piece, perhaps. As an Alliance, we can move forward knowing that we control a large portion of the World's most valuable regions. In remembering the past, and how they affect us even to this day, we can see a few things:

Our most productive region, Heilongjiang, rests comfortably in the hands of our largest, most capable country, protected through a shield of Russian and Serbian regions. As an Alliance, none of us are ever going to lay claim to doing it alone, because we accomplished this together.

Moving further, we have moved into Liaoning and regained Western Australia, along with various other regions such as North of Brazil (home Brazilian region, wink wink), WSR, FER, and Urals (home Russian regions, wink wink).

And we're always going to be thankful for these. We'll protect and fortify our assets, and look for ways to move forward.

The Future - Tomorrow will always be a Brighter Day

As an Alliance, we owe each of our members, whether they do 100,000 in battle, or 1,000,000+ the thanks they deserve for their efforts. As I have said before, Excellence does not mean Perfection. EDEN and the Brolliance will manage to win some, and lose some, just like us.

However, we must continue to move forward as an Alliance to help our members with their own needs and desires. We realise the need to counterbalance the World, but we simply cannot be everywhere at once. We must put the protection and improvement of our own members to top Priority, which is something that ties us in Erepublik. I care about you as much as I care about myself when it comes to this game, and that will never change.

Together, we are bigger, badder, and better than before. We know it in our hearts. With some teamwork, we'll show it to the World.

To Feherlo: You've given yourself to this Alliance, in both it's previous and current form since you began. Wherever you go and whatever you do, we all wish you the best of luck. Since I make it a policy to never say never, perhaps one day you'll once again return home.

Kistru, Dishmcds, Salgado, blackmanta, Nameisis, Donnie
Your Phoenix Staff