NoneSuch's Housing Program - Final Update

Day 492, 22:09 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Well kiddies, I've finally made my perfect contract. What I had originally made out to be a housing rental program became some sort of rent-to-own program which I didn't really like. I had a totally different mindset than what I had wanted. I still have a rent-to-own option but I would much rather you just rent the house for a few weeks until you can afford your own.

- The New/Final Contract -

Here it is in all it's glory. This is a sample using a renter's name.

The parties involved in this contract are NoneSuch and stargator29. NoneSuch has agreed to donate a Q1 House to stargator29 in return for weekly payments as subject to the rates below. The contract below has no definite time limit unless one of the terms in section 6 have been met.

1) Payments
- stargator29 is to make payments every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday so long as this contract is being upheld by NoneSuch and the House is still in stargator29's possession.
- The minimum rates for the varying qualities of House are as follows: Q1-8 USD, Q2-18 USD, Q3-30 USD, Q4-44 USD, Q5-60 USD.
- Should stargator29 miss a single payment the house is to be donated back into possession of NoneSuch within 48 hours (23:59 on Tuesday eRepublik time).
- All payments are to be donated to NoneSuch's personal account.

2) Donation Of The House
- In order to prevent the donation of the house to an inactive individual, the first payment will be due prior to the donation of the House

3) Ownership vs. Possesion
- While the House may be in stargator29's possession, it is still the property of NoneSuch and will be treated as such. The House, once in possession of stargator29 will not be sold, donated to an individual not mentioned in this contract, or removed from stargator29's inventory. NoneSuch also has the right to request the House back at any time for any reason. The current weeks payment will be refunded once the House has been donated back.

4) Upgrading and Downgrading
- Upgrading... Should stargator29 notify NoneSuch that he/she wants to upgrade the quality of his House it will be done so long as NoneSuch has the necessary quality of House to do so. The Housing upgrade will be done on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday before any payments have been made. stargator29 will donate his/her House to NoneSuch, stargator29 will then pay the new minimum rate according to Section 1, and then NoneSuch will donate the new House to stargator29.
- Downgrading... Should stargator29 notify NoneSuch that he/she wants to downgrade the quality of his House it will be done so long as NoneSuch has the necessary quality of House to do so. The Housing downgrade will be done on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday before any payments have been made. stargator29 will donate his/her house to NoneSuch, stargator29 will then pay the new minimum rate according Section 1, and then NoneSuch will donate the new House to stargator29.

5) Renting-To-Own
- Should stargator29 decide that he/she would like to own the house he/she will be able to do so he/she must meet the following requirements: 1) Has donated an accumulated amount of USD totaling the average price of that quality of house on the eUS market at the time of prospective purchase. 2) Has also paid 0.10 Gold for every week that the House had been rented multiplied by the Quality of the House.

6) Contract Cancellation
- The contract will be canceled once any of the following conditions have been met:
- stargator29 fulfills section 5.
- NoneSuch requests the House back, the House has been returned, and the refund the previous weeks rent has been refunded.
- stargator29 has chosen to stop renting from NoneSuch and the house is back in the possession of NoneSuch. No refunds will be given.
- Either party breaks the contract terms and the admins have been contacted by either party.

7) Contract Validity
- Once both parties have signed the contract both parties are encouraged to take screenshots of the contract for security purposes. Should either party be found guilty of changing the contract terms or removing the signature agreeing to the terms, the contract will immediately be terminated and all outstanding payments/donations will be paid/donated within 48 hours.

😎 Banning, Suspension, and Death
- Should either party be banned/suspended or the property be impounded by the admins the admins will be contacted and all outstanding payments/donations/Houses will be returned to the owner.
- Should either party die, all property/money will be transferred to the remaining party.

9) Admin Intervention
- Should either party break any of the above terms the other party has the right to contact the admins and request intervention. Should stargator29 miss a payment and not donate the house during the 48 hour time period as stated above, the Admins will only need to transfer the House back into NoneSuch's ownership. Should NoneSuch fail to donate the House after payment has been made or fail to refund stargator29's USD in the case that NoneSuch request the House back, all that need be done by the admins is to donate the necessary USD to stargator29's account.

- My Middle Man -

I've got myself a partner now. His name is Baarogue and he's a bandanna wearing sheep, a force to be reckoned with. He will be posting all the contracts from now on and informing all current applicants of any and all updates. He's being paid quite handsomely to do this too.

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Until next time, you stay classy whoever the hell you are.