News from the American Front

Day 611, 17:34 Published in Australia Australia by FallbackPants

FallbackPants here reporting from the New Jersey Hospital.

eAustralia, the world is currently involved in one of the biggest, fiercest wars in the history of the New World. The PEACE vs USA/Canada War broke battle records on its first day, yet the potentially biggest battles with Q5 Defence Systems and Q5 Hospitals still have generally not occurred. Similarly the war has begun to spread across Eurasia and has truly started to become World War III.

Spain has invaded France , North Korea invaded Russia invaded Russia as has Norway . Resistance Wars have jumped up throughout PEACE countries in an attempt by the former ATLANTIS states to divert PEACE soldiers away from North America. While officially sanctioned the South Australian RW has become part of the war, with some serious tanking required by the Dropbears and ACUK to finally secure the region.

While eAustralia remains safely neutral, the war spreads across the world.

From the battlefront in eAmerica the war has taken a number of twists and turns. After a strong defence of the Alaskan front, the Russian advance crushed US and Canadian resistance. Similarly French forces moved further West into Canada.

Despite a public outcry, the American leaders sent forces north to defend eCanadian territories and withdrew from a number of Western states. While US President Harrison Richardson explained the move as in the US national interest to prevent being encircled by PEACE forces, the move created quite a backlash, with many within the country beginning to question his military credentials.
In the last day however, the USA opened up three fronts in Utah, Nevada and Oregon, and while time still remains in all three battles the USA is in front in Nevada and Oregon, with Utah still in Russian control .

The war continues, and will for the foreseeable future. I’ll update as news develops.