Presidential Q&A

Day 610, 21:07 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson

I'm sorry for spamming the media so much lately, but heck, this can't be worse than PEACE Propaganda, can it?

I'm going to be doing a Q&A here for the entirety of this article. I will edit the article with answers to any comments or questions I receive via PM. People have been clamoring for more information and I will, within what I think is reasonable, provide all the information I can. A main point of my platform was transparency and that, with the war, has gotten lost a bit. So I'm going to bring it back. I also have a thread on the eUS forums:,7624.msg148454.html#new

Harrison: how are the cease fire terms going? You seem to be quiet about it. Thanks.

There is no ceasefire on the table. If PEACE wants a ceasefire, they can contact me at any time.

what was the logic behind fighting in manitoba?
shouldin't we be trying to defend OUR country???

The logic was this: If we lose Canada, we are surrounded by PEACE. Literally, we will be boxed in. We have 51 regions to give up.. unfortunately, Canada wasn't so lucky and only got 15 or 20. Also, Canada's economy is crippled because of the lost of their important region. I wish we could have kept everything, but we had to make priorities. This isn't "USA" and "Canada", this is "Allies" versus "Enemy". We are one, in my eyes.

1. Is there a plan in place in case our allies, North Korea and Norway in particular, are invaded?
2. To what extent are you open to talks with PEACE? What would be off limits?
3. Should the USA and Canada manage to reclaim all lost territories, would you push for peace with Russia and France?
4. Recently some articles have been published arguing that Russia is being exploited by Hungary and Indonesia, and many US players stated they would support an effort by Russia to reclaim her original regions from those two countries. What are your thoughts on this topic?

1. We do have a plan. I can't say much, obviously, but it comes down to this: If either are invaded, obviously PEACE is diverting forces there, meaning we also can divert forces. It's a give and tank scenario, but each have helped us and I will do my darndest to defend them as well.

2. I am always willing to talk with PEACE. In fact, I already have. I feel I would be in derelict of duty if I didn't explore that option, especially for a ceasefire. PEACE's terms were unacceptable and thus we are going on fighting. The only thing off limits is an unconditional American surrender, at least at this time.

3. I would push for peace. Would a counterattack be warranted? Sure, I think it would. However, I haven't decided that and my main objective is to regain all lost lands before I even get to the point of making a plan for an offensive into PEACE territory.

4. I would support Russia if they wished to regain their territories. It is no secret that Indonesia and Hungary control PEACE GC and they are, more or less, the "overlords" of the alliance. If Russia wanted to leave, the USA would be willing to discuss it with her.

've heard that the government's funds are running seriously low. Is this accurate, and if so, how do we plan to rectify it?

This is not accurate. We employ a different number of techniques to disguise the amount of money we currently posses. While the war has depleted our warchest, we are nowhere near the "emergency" levels.

Your treasury had depleted from 10.000 gold to merely 4700 (check Zoli's article) gold for counterattack and swap tactics. Don't you find the tactics too expensive? What will you do if the funds dried out?

As I said earlier, we employ a number of different tactics to hide, disguise, and mislead PEACE as to how much gold we have. Zoli's number is not accurate. I do not find our tactics too expensive. I am nearly positive PEACE has outspent us at least 2:1 and maybe even 3:1, and yet we're not doing too badly, I don't think. I don't plan for our funds to try out, so planning for it is illogical.

How high a priority to your (sic) administartion is maintaining the security of vital resources which represent our combined ability to produce a sustained resistance to PEACE GC through eFrance, and eRussia?

I make no mistake when I say I do not place a high value on medium iron. I think it is illogical for American Businessmen and women to open companies in a medium value raw materials region. Furthermore, latest statistics I have seen show our domestic iron industry is actually very, very small. However, for those more concerned about us taking back our regions, I let them know that we have planned with our allies. While the USA is focusing on region X, allies are focusing on Y and Z. We think we have a good plan in place. I am saddened by the loss of Canadian regions and will work my rear off to get them back, and in the mean time, I encourage you to buy all the Spanish and Greek iron you can.

Are you considering placing new Q5 hospitals in the USA?

At the moment, no. That may change if we get an offer for a cheap Q5.

Mr. President
You need good babyboom promotion in RL
You know ,Russia conquered USA and that stuff...
That will bring you atleast 5-10k players...

What are you doing about that?

We've contacted many media outlets and online gaming blogs. Of course, we are in the middle of the Greatest Colbert War, so maybe he gives us a mention, eh?

Question: If you have the money for tanking why didnt you protected you regions when it was so close?

Because it's a long war and we can win regions back without tanking. To spend money on every battle like that would be poor planning and would eventually lead to our downfall.

1. Let's imagine that you fight all your (Fortis) regions back. What's next? Will you attack Russia, or Indonesia, or maybe all PEACE countries you could reach?
2. How do you think, what would be the end of this WorldWar? Total annihilation of one side of teh conflict?

I think I've answered 1 elsewhere, but I'll say this: I would not attack all the PEACE countries I could reach, but I would look seriously at attacking Russia. As of now, I am not planning on attacking Russia and hope we can reach a diplomatic solution to our problems.

As far as two goes, I think a diplomatic end to this conflict can be had and I hope we reach it soon. Time will tell.

Do you think we'll see more articles, perhaps boosted by something like the USWP article-bumping machine, to help celebrate victories, or is this sort of thing pretty low on the list of priorities, given the challenges our country is facing?

I can't say, really. Nothing is stopping someone from forming such an organization. The Federal Government is, obviously, a bit preoccupied at the moment. SirEkim runs a program but he is on vacation for a few more days. Once he gets back, he will get it back up and running.

What were the diplomatic relations with Peace before the war?

Diplomatic relations with the alliance as a whole were limited. Specific nations (I won't say which in the interest of national security) we had interesting discussions with and some were close to leaving PEACE. Diplomatic relations with some nations were very good and still are.

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