New Phoenix Secretary General plans to reform Phoenix

Day 931, 03:13 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii
The Phoenix alliance just had their monthly election, and the Kistru/Romool ticket won.

The new co-Secretary General Kistru comes from Serbia. He doesn't have a newspaper at the moment, but his shout says:

"You're better off reading this article than politics."

I checked out the article, and it's very informative. I'll just mention the stats I found most interesting.

Active number of citizens from last week:

1. Serbia 14,000
2. Poland 13,100
3. Spain 13,000
4. Russia 10,000
5. USA 8,700
6. Brazil 7,800
7. Hungary 7,500
8. Romania 6,500
9. Indonesia 6,000
10. China 5,300
11. Croatia 4,700
12. Greece 4,600

The other co-Secretary General Romool comes from Russia. He wrote 2 interesting articles in the last 2 days, and here is the first article as written:

"There's a deep need for certain changes in Alliance.
Now, the Alliance is a conglomerate of countries, which fight for united goals only on rare occasions. Every other day they do it, struggling for own interests. Let me remind you about our defeat in Alps, when leaders of the Alliance did not bother much about the battle, or more positive example of team play - the Lion King.

In a modern New World environment, such disunity is not acceptable. We will analyze the recent important battles, and issue the warnings to the countries, which aren't willing to contribute to the Alliance their feasible burden.

The wars between alliance members are not acceptable, as well. I think, everybody knows which country I meant - Latvia shall be punished for this act. I ask the eRussian Congress to abolish the MPP with Latvia, and I will propose the voting for suspension of their membership in Alliance.

Besides Latvia, other inactive countries may also face suspension of their membership. We don't need ballast members there.

Today, I've also proposed an introduction of minimal damage level for each member country, in High- and Super-high-priority battles.
E.g., in a foreign landing operation of High priority, our country should be able to contribute at least 250k damage, and for Super-high-priority, >500k.
The calculation should take into account many country' parameters, such as economy power, average strength and quantity of regular soldiers, etc. If the country fails to make a required damage, they are obliged to donate to Phoenix the funds necessary to finance the tanking to the specified minimum level. I believe, this should increase the accountability and discipline in the Alliance."


The second article is in Russian. Here is the translation:

"It is remarkable that my previous article provoked such a response.

Actually this was calculated.
Latvia has been brought into it as a glaring example.
An example that our alliance is not all right and it's time for change.

This is the problem, and its solution has been long overdue.
Small countries (not all) are using Phoenix just as an umbrella.
Large countries see this and also begin to shirk from their responsibilities.
This caused our loss in Rhone Alps.

You ask how we can provide carrots to small countries?
In response, I say that the current situation does not suit the big countries!
And if we are to choose between the loss of Latvia or Hungary, I (forgive me) choose to keep Hungary.
If small countries do not want to help in a sufficient manner, and send their armies, then please pay the big countries for "shelter" and security.

In my opinion, it is logical and reasonable.

Do not scare us with the assumption of Latvia joining EDEN.
The Finns, for example, with pleasure that I drank. [Russia conquered Finland with pleasure.]
Of course, the exclusion from the Alliance - is an extreme measure.
But the top 5 Phoenix nations are ready to do it.
You need not worry, no one is going to inflate the bar for required minimum damage either.
The level of damage done will also be discussed between Presidents and DoD members.

But if you come to fulfill the obligations of all damage, whether it's the minimum damage output of your nation, or the damage you have caused a Phoenix ally, would you be so kind as to discuss it properly.

Otherwise, your very presence in Phoenix is useless."


So in conclusion, Latvia remains a hot topic in Phoenix. Phoenix did elect a Latvian, Kurzemes Karalis Kristaps to the post of Supreme Commander, who is the de-facto military commander.

In conclusion, Phoenix re-organization to follow.