Miltary Exploits and losing count of RW's

Day 1,511, 09:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sambo112

Okay let me start off by offering the first person who can tell me how many times we have had a RW in Scotland in the past week with a round of applause (I'm cheap so what?)

Could we please try and a win at least one... please... pretty please. Enough of my pathetic begging.

This week has been interesting, my MU the Royal Navy launched an attack on Pays de la Loire, a French region controlled by Canada. Okay this is where it gets confusing. The RN aim was to recover the land for France. Why? I hear you ask. We may be at war with France but our plans are to kick Canada out of the eUK. Why attack them at Pays de la Loire? You cry. Well... Canada took the French land off Poland and gained grain bonuses from having this land. We gave the land back to France weakening the Canadians and depriving them of the bonus. You got that?

This article from the campaign hero and RN flagship Alfagrem shows what the Royal Navy achieved better than I coul😛

Other Articles I recommen😛

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