Media Mogul Project

Day 1,465, 08:53 Published in Italy Italy by Cris.94

Everyone need more subscriptions, right? With this media mogul project all of you have a chance to get more subscriptions and to reach the Media Mogul achievement.

All you must to do is:
1. Give subscribes to all newspapers that were added before yours.
2. Leave the URL of your newspaper in comment.
3. Make shout from this article:

1. Libero Pensiero
2. Volo Libero
3. Varie ed Eventuali
4. NewsDevil
5. Pimpami l'eStoria
6. e-Jeux Sans Frontieres
7. The guard Tower
8. Il Popolo d'eItalia
9. Tree Money
10. Kapi News
11. The E-Greek Times
12. The Archimedes project
13. L'eCorriere
14. eSinga
15. I.M.S.P.M.
16. GazetkaWybiorcza
17. Theta Punto
18. Il Libero Pensiero
19. The erep Times
20. L'ordine Nuovo