Mass Debating with Don

Day 2,413, 10:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Hello all!

The following is a conversation Don forced upon me, I was wondering where others stand on the monarchy debate so have published this as a medium for public discussion. Enjoy!

[17:41] Abdicate
01[17:41] huj
01[17:41] whut
[17:41] abdicate
[17:42] I shall be putting forward the UK moving to a republik
[17:42] the UK needs a New Era
01[17:43] then vote team rocket
01[17:43] there's no legal
01[17:43] basis
01[17:43] to form republic
[17:43] once I have gained enough support in congress that crown will be purged from you
[17:44] The ghost of Cromwell will haunt you
[17:45] I shall be forwarding a mail to the speaker to converse about the republik of eUK
[17:46] I can tell the burden of the role has worn you down
[17:46] it has clouded your judgement
01[17:47] thats irrelevant
01[17:47] the monarchy is a privately ran charity
01[17:48] it was disestablished ages ago
01[17:48] removed from legislation
01[17:48] the government or congress have no power over how people talk to each other
01[17:48] you cannot control what we say, fascist
[17:48] Wiki states you are king
[17:48] you can say as you please
[17:48] but not under the title the UK King
[17:49] if congress wants to remove that title from you
01[17:49] congress didnt grant it
01[17:49] it's a social position
01[17:49] people call themselves stuff all the time, fascist
[17:50] yes but the UK wiki states you are king and congress will look into this
01[17:50] unless you want to basically tell congress to pass legislation that says 'woldy my not refer to himself as king, nor can the people of the eUK'
01[17:50] that's literally all that can be done
01[17:50] and it is un enforceable
[17:50] I will get our legal team to look deeper , but your name calling is very child like
01[17:50] the role isnt official anymore
01[17:50] I'm not the one being a fascist
[17:51] wiki
01[17:51] mind police dapper
[17:51] The Elitism must end
01[17:51] you are the elite
[17:51] you call yourself a king.......and you call me names
01[17:51] what names?
[17:52] Woldy congress will look into this, I can tell this title means much to you
01[17:52] it means more to others than it does to me
01[17:52] the fact of the matter is the monarchy is a charity
01[17:52] you're the one hung up on the title, not me
01[17:52] the wiki says lots of stuff, RP based or otherwise
01[17:53] since the monarchy act has been gone, the role has been unofficial, and is a social role
[17:53] Monarch Main article: Monarchy of the United Kingdom The Monarch is the Head of State of the eUnited Kingdom and has been in place since September 18 2009. Their role is symbolic while the day to day running of the nation and direction is taken by the Prime Minister. The current Monarch is HM Woldy I who has reigned for the longest of all Monarchs to da
01[17:54] outdated, brainiac
01[17:54] I am afraid your fact collecting is second rate
01[17:54] would you like me to update it for you
[17:54] I collect what is on site
[17:54] you can edit it all you wish
[17:54] congress will talk now silence King
01[17:54] strange boy
01[17:55] enjoy yourself
[17:55] lol
01[17:55] but the people of the eUK won't stand for your fascism
01[17:55] mind police dapper
[17:55] ending your title is wanted by many
[17:55] I think you are more the mind police
01[17:55] you want to legislate titles and positions, you want to create elitism
[17:55] i dont want titles
01[17:56] I say titles and positions should be made up and used by the people as they please
01[17:56] I am democrat
01[17:56] you want to control how people talk to each other, how they address each other
01[17:56] you are mind police
[17:56] people can talk how they wish
01[17:56] then it is setlled
[17:56] you are just making up stuff to suit your postion
01[17:56] thank you for agreeing with me
01[17:56] what position
[17:56] The King
01[17:57] that isnt a position
[17:57] you just want your title
01[17:57] nah pal
[17:57] you do
01[17:57] you go ahead and talk to your friends
01[17:57] it wont change how the people talk to each other
[17:57] do you go to bed at night thinking I'm the king of the eUK
01[17:57] mr out of touch
01[17:57] no but I think you do
[17:57] you can call yourself what you want but your not the king ofthe uk
[17:58] you are not lord over us
[17:58] end your title
[17:58] you have held it for too long
01[17:58] I have never claimed to be lord of anyone, silly
[17:58] you are a game hogging
01[17:58] suuuuuuuuuuure
01[17:58] says the elite
[17:58] you are
[17:58] you you you
01[17:58] incorrect
[17:58] if u was a good man you would have let other had a chance
01[17:59] I retired from politics last year
01[17:59] why dont you do the same
[17:59] oh no game hogger like keers
01[17:59] let the new blood through
01[17:59] it has worked for New Era
01[17:59] maybe it will work for V
[18:01] stop speakign [CENSORED]
01[18:02] how rude

From which Don raises the following questions:

Should Congress form an official monarchy so they can get rid of a King for RP fun?
Should V! and their mysterious Legal team take over charities? And how come they can RP but we can't?!
Will Don ever step down from politics?

Find out in the next issue of Mass Debating with Don. Hope you enjoyed the whimsy!

P.S. Universally challenged fixtures:
The First match will be between 'The King Woldy Appreciation Society' VS. 'Team NHS'.

Prize money to 5 gold per person in the team, as well as 100 Q7 guns to your chosen UK MU. The game shall take the format of a simple quiz which will take place on IRC in #eWoldy.

Match date TBC. There is still time to sign up here.

Thanks for Reading.
Mr Woldy.

To apply for the ‘Woldy’s Young Achievers’ Scheme, simply pop your name in this thread on our external forums:

As part of the Royal Writers, every player under level 25 who releases an article with at least a paragraph of decent content, whether it be political, humorous, or informative, will receive 150 GBP. Any writer under level 30 who gets an article into the top 5, will receive 300 GBP. Message me for your prize.

P.S. [18:13] you need to be sent to e jail
01[18:14] is that a V! policy