Make way for Z-Force!! We are here to stay!

Day 714, 14:57 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

When the gates of hell crashed open, when the way out seemed blurred into insignificance and when the ray of light vanished in the cloud of darkness, a shadow appeared. Carrying with it the flame of eternal fire and stepping over the stones of damned conflict, the Z-Force made its way through the ashes of humanity. Those brave hearts started with nothing to achieve the pinnacle of success, the dawn of pinnacle was just a highlight of what was to come. Through utter chaos and anarchy in the very minds of humans which was corrupted by the fear of corruption itself, the Z-Fighters decided to move on and on.... until they reached the gates of enlightenment.

Through the once damned meadow of hatred, the mighty fighters move on and on until the very last drop of determination is soaked out of their weary bodies. Knowing that the destination is near, they know that they must go on. Fighting through the crippling waters of dread, cutting through the forests of sorrow.. there was nothing which the legendary Z-Sword couldnt take care of. Wielding the sword with them, the Z-Warriors plunged along.

Carrying the Fire ablaze in their hearts.... they opened the door to eIndia.

The Team 1, is officially asking to be renamed as Z-Force.
We would appreciate it if Shail.back could honor our request and refer to us as Z-Force.

Members of Z-Force:

Nikkk S
Rahul K

The Four of us, were brought together in this league and due to incredible determination and organization. We have risen to one of the best teams in the league. In 2 days thwarting our competetion.

Damage Done: 6401 ( 4990 Second Highest team)
Change in Total Damage %: 4.93 % ( 4.07% second highest team)
Average % change: 18.48% ( 19.06% highest team)
ArjaaAine: 2nd Highest damage in League.
Nikkk S: 3rd Highest Damage in League. 6th highest total % change.
Rahul K: 4th highest Damage in League.
Zibiah: 2nd Highest total % change.

All damages were done in Super Berserk Mode 😃

Z-Force Thrives on organization and communication.
Once the League is over, We will show our Secret weapon to everyone. Till then
GoodLuck, and Be Good 🙂

ArjaaAine (Leader of Z-Force)
Nikkk S (Leader of Z-Force)
Rahul K (Leader of Z-Force)
Zibiah (Leader of Z-Force)">