Living Off Minimum Wage

Day 420, 16:25 Published in USA USA by AidenAstrup

For quite a while there was a large fuss over whether or not people can live off of minimum wage. I decided to change my wage (I work for my organization) to the bare minimum - 1 USD and see how it worked.

I got rid of all my money except for the 5 USD starting citizen fee and got rid of all my food. I was doing alright for quite a while. Living perfectly fine, buying Q1 food and able to stock up for the days ahead. That lasted less than a week. Within a few days I was unable to eat two days in a row. I finanly made enough to buy Q1 food again. The problem was that prices kept fluctuating. One day I would be able to buy food with just 1 USD, others it went to 2 USD. After weeks of doing this - here is what happened.

I was forced to quit after 2 1/2 weeks. My wellness was declining and I could only afford food every 2 days. There was no saving for anything, just getting the bare minimum. In total my wellness had dropped 20 points. My skill had not yet gone up one point meaning that if I were a new citizen I wouldn't have been able to get a better paying job.

What does this mean? I don't know. You decide. I did this to help myself really. I was unsure of whether or not I liked the wage and I heard someone say that within a few days citizens could just get a better paying job...I decided to see if that was true. It wasn't. The main argument against raising the wage is that it will screw with the markets...which is true. So is this right or wrong? It's your choice.

The Facts:
Minimum Wage: 1 USD
Starting Citizen Fee: 5 USD
Cost of Q1 Foo😛 1.60 USD
Cost of Q1 Gifts: 3.55 USD
Cost of a Q1 House: 267 USD