The minimum wage tug-of-war

Day 340, 17:04 Published in USA USA by Tyrsis

Yesterday, Congress passed a bill halving the minimum wage to 1 USD. Joeph Cole, the pioneer of this bill, claimed that this was the minimum level he was allowed to propose. If this is true, then USA is at the forefront of an efficient and competitive labour market in comparison to the world. It means that our economy will not be capped in its capacity to produce cheaper raw materials and products, as cuts in labour costs are transferred to the consumer via market competition.

However, today a new bill has been proposed, to triple this limit to 3 USD. I fear that this will displace some workers.

Liberty and Prosperity has already written two previous articles on the minimum wage, educating citizens of its failure to achieve its intended effect. If it is truly designed to help the poorest of our nation, then a minimum wage prevents the unemployed from competing with the employed. If anything, it is unfair to the worst off in society.

A minimum wage law only serves to perpetuate unemployment and inflation, as firms must increase their prices to sustainably pay workers more. This increase in price will lead to a decrease in the quantity of products demanded, and hence, a decrease in the number of employed workers. Combine this with the fact that unemployment and inflation will hit the poorest the hardest, and a minimum wage is simply a recipe for disaster. Instead of helping who it intends to serve, it ends up brutally smashing their hopes and dreams.

Let's hope the Congress doesn't change its mind on this one. If you are a worker who may be displaced from this minimum wage law, please contact your representative and ask him to vote "NO".

Stay tuned, Liberty and Prosperity plans to make a report on free trade in the near future.