Last financial update | Feb 05th to Feb 28th

Day 832, 18:07 Published in India India by Akash Verma

Note: For some reason the formatting was not working(the article showed up blank) in the government bank newspaper, so I am going to try here, hopefully it works.

This is a financial update(last from me) which I as the Minister of Finance was supposed to provide.

It has been quite a while since my last update, but I am going to put up all (most) of the statistics of all the transactions (that I was able to record) down in this article.(First Update, Second Update). I didn’t write a report in last few days because? Well, its not like much was not going on in the countries financial sector, just that I was strictly instructed not to divert people’s attention from ATO. Apart from that, I was very disappointed from a lot of things, so afraid I might write something that will have a bad impact.
[Unless you care about these numbers, please skip to Programs.]

Our Gold and INR Accounts Stand at:
[Includes all govt. MM offers, INR in govt. companies and organizations, and country accounts.]
Gol😛 1372"> [On Feb 5th we had 203g left after training expenses.]
INR: 23000+ [Includes INR in companies.]

Total Value = 2016">
Note: 1000 Gold was moved to SCOI 2,3,4 and 5 on compulsion of the "people" by the president for safeguarding the gold. It has been decided by the owners of those organizations to NOT disclose their passwords to the Indian Government Bank. These organizations are accessible by only 1 person each - so lets pray none of them quit/leave the game etc.
In case something does happen - Its not my fault as I did my duty of informing.

Expenses till now.
Name of the org/official -–

Amount provided
– For Reason
On day
Ladakh Scouts
– 1000 INR –
Running of Q1 weapons company.
Indian Military Training -–
395 Gold –
Gold distribution for Lana Program.
5 Gold –
Creation of Indian Military Training org.
Jay Kerlaite

7 Gold –
To make NPF org and a newspaper in it.
Gorkha Rifles

1000 INR –
Running of Q1 weapons company.
Central Bank of India
2000 INR ---- Raw materials and wages for Newbie training.
David Forde
3 Gold
Raw Materials for IAI Food Q3
Internal Affairs India
1000 INR
Newbie help and training.
Indian Armed Forces
1000 INR
Military Provisions
Azad Hind Fauj
55 Gold
Gorkha Rifles
500 INR
RM+Salaries for Q1 weapons company.
Indian Armed Forces
10 Tickets
Moving people around?
Indian Government Bank
18 Gold
Creating a Q1 ticket company
821/822 (?)
Strength of India
310 USD
Oil for Q1 tickets company
Fort SOL
16.2 Gold
War Games
India Rising
2 Gold
Presidential Orders
Internal Affairs India
500 INR
Running Newbie training companies
Socialist ePirates
50 Gold
Upgrading their Q2 company to Q3.
823/824 (?)
eRed Cross
413.28 SEK + 10.87 Gold
Purchasing Q1 tickets for ATO.
Internal Affairs India
2000 INR
Internal Affairs stuff+Newbie training etc.
Indian Air Force
300 INR
Raw materials for tickets company
60 Gold was used in transferring companies from CBI to IAI, which flowed a lot of times but returned to IGB the same day(thats why you will see quite a few 60g transactions in those companies.)
Monetary Market
Gold Expense = 168.628
INR Expense = 10604.03

Monetary Market
Gold = 296.91284
INR = 6306.6872
Gold Donation from China = 26g | Half the cost of training war on day 830/831
Congress Gold Received (5 Gold each)
jai sayan
Alexander Levi
Ashish Sharda

These people have NOT yet donated their 5 Gold obtained by congressional medals to Indian Government Bank.

Ankit Ganguly(😑)
Jay Kerlaite(😑)
Rahul k(😑)
Abhishek Das(😑)
Anant Singhal(😑)
Mr. Tofuu(😑)
hsr sr(😑)
Rachit Karwade(😑)
Ajay J(😑)
Pejman SS[Mafia]

Do you guys need an invitation or what?
I mean c’mon, these elections were FIXED. You didn’t do any campaigning or anything to deserve that gold. It has always been a tradition to donate the 5 gold from congress medal, and it has always helped in the survival of the nation. You will be showing your true intentions by making/not making this donation.
Moreover, it will be unfair to those who have donated if you don’t donate the 5g that you got.
Stop being selfish, and do what’s right. 😛


1.Organization maintenance.

Details about this can be found in the last article.
Result: Success (Kind of).
Of course some of the govt. org’s never responded, in case of which I had no choice but to give up. And I must have missed some too, as there was no list that I had of all the govt. organizations.
But nevertheless, now we have an online document – which contains all (most) of our governmental organizations’ passwords etc, along with a lot of other data(why that organization exists, who are the people who can access it, and other stuff.)
I have given complete access to Jelly9473(President), and Braveheart09. It is mandatory to alert Indian Government Bank or the President whenever a password for one of the governmental organizations is changed.

2.Military Training Program.
We had pumped in 400 Gold into Lana last month, sadly in my term – as it was pre-decided. Good thing was that it was not our “tax payers’” or govt.’s money – so not that much loss. But still, in my honest opinion this program is a waste of gold.
If really necessary we should keep our top 2 highest strength players tuned up, rest is just a complete waste of gold. With V2 around the corner, we should avoid wasting too much gold.
This big amount of gold can be used in much better ways to help our economy, and if the intention of this expense really is betterment of eIndia – then this gold needs to be utilized better.
I would very much like if this was replaced by some small competitions for people in which they get rewarded handsomely for SOMETHING, and not get gold under some training program just by a lame sign up.

Additionally, people who signed up get more gold than what a hard working company manager earns after spending so much time - do you think thats fair?

Lana is THE reason why the world economy is crumbling, and we spend so much gold on her?

What if all the new stuff(tanks, helicopters, artillery) reduce the importance of strength?

Wouldn't we feel f*cked then?

3. New Icon Scheme for govt. companies.
OK, this was just a completely useless idea, but hey – its not like you had to do anything. 😛
Our government companies now don’t have the default and boring grey image they used to have. They are replaced with default industry icons with govt. seal on them. Just makes them look good, heh.">">">">">

4. All newbie training companies moved.
I moved all the newbie training companies from Central Bank of India to Internal Affairs India. This was done because no one checked CBI regularly, except me and 1,2 more people(Occasionally, not regularly). This was causing a lot of problems. IAI on the other hand is monitored regularly by 2-3 people(At least more than CBI), so these companies will be better taken care of there.
Also, now whenever a new player signs up a mentor can instantly get an alert in IAI organization and thus send custom welcome message much faster than before. And now we have lesser confusion(No one knew who was managing CBI, seriously.)

5. Tax Changes.

I had put up tax change discussion on forums a few days after I started my term, the discussion started, and was stopped by ATO team. Then our congress changed weapon taxes without any discussion.
I requested weapon taxes to be changed to something more sensible, and our congress ignored. I requested a tax change again, with the same result, marvelous.
I resigned from MoF position 2 days before this article was released, and a day after that new taxes were proposed.
Just so everyone doesn’t blame me for everything later – I will make this clear – I don’t care how you change the taxes, and no part of it is to be considered my idea.
Some people actually thought that I "forcefully" got all the proposals made yesterday, and told me that they will get everything reverted very soon – Why do you hate me so much? Really, what the hell did I do?

Do you have any ideas to help improve our economy?

Don’t be ashamed and never think its silly! It might have the potential to change our entire economic scene!
Send it to Indian Government Bank not me now, and hopefully it will be discussed as soon as possible.

Do you have complaints?

Go to the financial section of the national forums and file them there. Maybe I will give it a look, if I miss it somehow then please message Indian Government Bank the link to your post.

To: Atomic Housing Shareholders

Kindly send a message to Atomic Industries with the number of shares you own in the company(the Q5 housing company) to get your piece.
I have reduced price per house to 850 INR(22.72 Gold per house).

PS: Those who missed it in the article, I resigned from MoF post. Please send any further queries regarding finance in eIndia to Jelly9473 or Braveheart09.

With Regards,
Akash Verma