A new financial term begins.

Day 809, 13:02 Published in India India by Indian Government Bank

Progress function, for those that want to know. 😛

Today, NavinCharles’ successful financial term has ended, and I would like to summarize our current status.

IGB Accounts – 507+100[Monetary Market] = 607.04
Country Accounts = 6.15
In government run organizations = 1.30
Total = 615 Gold [approx.]

Currency [INR]
IGB Accounts = 4145 INR + 1900[MM]
Country Accounts = 6804 INR
Other Govt. Organizations = 1470
I expect at least 7-800 INR to be in various govt. run company accounts in total, or more.
So, Total = 15000 INR [approx].

Procedure for govt. officials to request for funds-

Send a private message to Indian Government Bank, with the amount you require and where you will be using it. In order for your request to be processed quickly please follow the following format in your message-

Subject: Requesting Funds

Department: [Insert your department here. Example: Internal Affairs/Army battalion/Central Bank etc.]

Amount require😛 [How much you need. Example: 10 Gold/100 INR]

Money will be utilized in: [Where? Example: For producing gifts for newbie’s/Weapons for Army etc.]

Past records: [How much you got from IGB last time, when and how it was used. Example: I got 300 INR from IBG last time, I used it entirely in IAI. 170 INR in the gifts, and 110 INR for Q3 food. Rest was used for purchasing tickets at the election time.(Optional: It will be great for the records if you can give me exactly/approximately how many gifts/food/tickets you had sent)]

Do you have any ideas to help improve our economy?

Don’t be ashamed and never think its silly! It might have the potential to change our entire economic scene!
Send it to Indian Government Bank or Me now, and we will discuss it as soon as possible. 😃

Do you have complaints?

Go to the financial section of the national forums and file them there. I will give it a look, if I miss it somehow then please PM me the link.

I am actually having my board exams these days, so I can't be sure how much time I can give this. But I am writing this in fine print so that most of you don't read it. 😃

Be Active, Build India.

Akash Verma

Minister of Finance, February 2010