La nueva alianza según los guiris

Day 1,692, 17:48 Published in Spain Mexico by Marcial Cachofa

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Bajo el epígrafe Alliance Answer

Como muchos no entendéis el guiri os recomiendo haber estudiao. Pero como ya es tarde haré un somero resumen. Somero y cutre, que son las dos y media y me voy a la piltra.

En el introito habla de la polémica creada en eUSA por la filtración de la noticia. La peña les acusa de traicionar a sus aliados en favor de Polonia y España y proceden a explicarse.

Q1:"¿Por qué tenemos que empezar esta nueva alianza"
Explica el porque de la creación de PANAM y sostiene que con esta nueva alianza se conseguirían sus objetivos primigenios. Basicamente, pasar de lo que llama centralismo balcánico. Usease, estos guiris están hasta la polla de los balcánicos y sus interminables conflictos.

Q2: ¿Por qué no todos nuestros aliados fueron informados de esto?
Pos porque es mas fácil hablar entre 4 que entre 10. Y además ya se hizo así cuando PANAM y se queja otra vez de las filtraciones. Pero que ya les irán avisando si sale.

Q3: ¿Pero nos vamos a aliar con los serbios los húngaros y los macedonios?
Que nooooooooo... Ni con ellos ni con ONE

Q4: ¿Pero no es inevitable la alianza con ONE? ¿No van a aprovechar los polacos pa llevarnos al onehuerto?
Que nooooo... que también están hasta el nabo de los balcánicos y aquí todos vamos a ser iguales.

Q5: ¿Qué pasa con los canadienses?
Que les hemos dicho que si quieren que se vengan. Si no quieren ellos mismos. Que les zurzan.

Q6: ¿Cómo podemos confíar en los polacos y en los españoles, que son malísimos?
Lo de ser amigo y enemigo es mu relativo. Fíjate que los canadienses fueron el enemigo y los polacos y los españoles no siempre fueron malos. Durante un tiempo los españoles fueron coleguitas.

Q7: ¿Y esto pa cuando?
Pa dentro de un rato. Cuando lo firmemos ya os avisamos

Y acaba diciendo: Recordad, las cosas nuevas asustan a mucha peña.

Están locos estos romanos.

A continuación el texto íntegro en inglis pa los poliglotas. Pero antes un mensaje de nuestros patrocinadores:

Que aproveche el tochopost.

So, there’s been a lot of controversy over the new alliance issue, primarily due to the fact that it was released before any of the real details could have even been settled, and that fact caused a lot of people to jump to conclusions about it, some of them with less than honorable intentions regarding the new charter, but I digress. A lot of people truly underestimate how little had developed with the charter when it was made public. The core nations of CTRL hadn’t even signed on to the Charter, and yet people still hurled around accusations that we had betrayed our allies for Poland and Spain. These accusations are not only unfounded, but many of them are maliciously attempting to mislead people into thinking that we’re performing actions that we’re actually not. So, to dispel some of these things, I’ll take some of the questions that I’ve seen most frequently, and deal with them as best I can. Other questions in the comments section will be taken, and I’ll answer them to the best of my knowledge, and the amount of information that can be made public.
Reference to the old PANAM charter - I’m going to be referred to this as precedent quite a bit
Statement made by Secretary of State Tenshibo about CTRL

Q1: “Why did we have to start this new alliance?”
A) In the original Terra/PANAM charter, this is the stated purpose, “As a group of nations long driven by the whims and wills of Europe, we have decided to move away from the infighting and Eurocentrism that existed in both EDEN and PHOENIX. As a result, we have created a new alliance in which we will be able to explore our own goals outside those of Europe.” While the exact wording of the charter states eurocentrism, it became clear that the issues were being driven by Balkan conflicts, instead of an overall European centrism (hence the introduction of France, Germany, Portugal, ect into the alliance with little issue). As time went on, it became clear that PANAM (renamed Terra) was not able to fully operate on this capacity, which forced it into becoming Eden aligned after a major invasion of the primary Terran powers. This status quo continued for months, while Terra became weaker with the loss of certain members. In recent times, it was common knowledge that Terra had failed in it’s primary goal, and yet, the member states remained in the alliance because it was unfeasible to join Eden outright, or leave the alliance, due to powerful enemies. The creation of this new alliance changes the dynamic of the current TEDEN v ONE alliance structure so radically that, we believe, this idea of Balkan centrism can be combated and overcome, fulfilling the original intent of PANAM, and that of many of it’s member states.

Q2) Why weren’t all of our allies informed of this?
A) In the creation of the new alliance, we needed to actually have the core of nations settled before we invited new countries to the alliance itself. Similar to the way that PANAM was ratified as the original 4(5) countries involved, CTRL followed the same precedent. Negotiating terms with 10 different countries as a part of the creation of a new alliance is so diplomatically frustrating that, basically, most alliances choose to avoid it in the beginning stages. This doesn’t mean, at any rate, that our current allies won’t be accommodated for and invited into the alliance once it’s actually in existence. As I previously stated, when CTRL was leaked, even the charter hadn’t been fully agreed upon, so we were in no position to ask our allies to jump onto something that didn’t even exist at the time.

Q3) Are we allying Serbia/Hungary and becoming ONE aligned with CTRL?
A) This is one of the misconceptions that is most confusing to me. We are in no way allying with Serbia, Hungary, Macedonia, or ONE/CoT in general. It’s an entirely unfounded accusation, and is a perfect example of how a lot of the ‘information’ about CTRL consists of assumptions, and not actual statements of the US Government.

Q4) Okay, but isn’t an alliance with ONE inevitable? Aren’t you afraid Poland will somehow hijack the alliance and make it ONE aligned?
A) First of all, Poland is just as committed to the idea of an anti-Balkan centric alliance as any of the founders of the alliance are. Secondly, the leadership structure of the current alliance ensures that no one country would be able to force the other members into a conflict, or alignment, such as this. The Security Council based administration gives equal say to each founding country, and therefore, prevents such manipulation from any of the founding members.

Q5) What’s the deal with Canada?
A) So, even though Canada was originally on the list of countries that we were going to solicit for membership in CTRL, they refused to join the alliance on the basis that they wanted a founding seat for themselves. The Canadian President, Rylde, was able to obtain a copy of the makeshift CTRL charter from one of the four founding countries congressional processes, or some other leak, and decided to publish it immediately instead of consulting a representative from the country. Canada felt as though the new leadership structure put them in a subordinate position within the alliance, and demanded that they be placed as the ‘5th Security Council’ member, or else they would not join. Considering the fact the USA isn’t the only founding member of CTRL, we said no, they couldn’t have a founding member spot. Afterwards, we were told Canada would not be joining CTRL, in a less polite way than I previously phrased it. Canada’s invitation to the alliance has not been closed, however, and we’ve taken no preparations to become hostile towards them. Canada has, previously, been a steady ally of the United States, but if they refuse to follow us here, it is a choice we cannot force upon them.

Q6) How can we trust Spain and Poland? They’ve been our enemies for so long!
A) Enemies and allies has always been an interesting flow of events in eRepublik. Our very first enemy in this game was Canada. We fought many wars against Russia, invaded them and received invasions from them, and we were still able to put things aside. Brazil, at one point, was a major Phoenix power, but made the switch, wholeheartedly, to the opposite side. Allies and enemies change regularly in eRepublik, especially when some sort of mutual interest is met, such as the goal of CTRL. Spain and Poland weren’t always our enemies. In fact, for a good amount of time, Spain was one of our best allies.

Q7) When will any of this become official?
A) At the moment, not all of the founding countries have ratified the charter. Once that happens, the alliance will go public, and we will solicit old and new allies to join the alliance. Expect the next big announcement regarding the alliance to take place at around that event, just to keep the citizenry in the loop about what’s going on regarding the alliance.

Remember, new things cause a lot of people to freak out. If you have questions regarding the process, or the new alliance, feel free to show up in #whitehouse.public, or post in the comments. I’ll be sure to get to as many of them as I can.