Keven: A bad choice you can believe in!

Day 2,164, 03:03 Published in Canada Canada by Keven Traide

My presidential platform will be as follows:

- Government grant to The Ginger Tribute, in exchange for 3 more articles per week.
- Dr. Manhattan will be in charge of reeducating the eCanadian masses.
- Sal T. Balls will be in charge of government press releases and all propoganda because of this beauty right here.
- I will move to pass a law before congress making proper punctuation necessary by law, and punishable by fines of up to (and including) 5.00 CAD.
- I will try to get my girlfriend to dress up in provocative fashion to be the mascot of my presidency. I can only promise that if I succeed in doing so, it will be kinky and entirely inappropriate for minors.

My slogan will be KEV 4 PREZ. This is a tribute to something completely removed from eRepublik; 10 years ago, I played a game called Neverwinter Nights, which was a roleplaying computer game based on the D&D 3rd edition ruleset. It was fun to roleplay as characters and such, and a friend of mine figured he could run as 'president of (the server we played on)', because teh lulz could be had. He would run his evil character around, yell 'XANDER 4 PREZ' at them, and then slaughter them if they disagreed. He also spammed the forums for that server quite thoroughly with his campaign promises of hilarity.

I would like to capture his spirit in my ultimately doomed, but hilarious, bid for presidency in November.

Please, shout this, pass it along. If nothing, it could bring teh laughs. And bring teh lulz.

KEV 4 PREZ! The wisest most hilarious choice necessity.

She will vote for me, because she's probably a bad, bad girl.