It was a good day: And SFP response to Organized Chaos Revisited

Day 824, 20:04 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

People of the eUSA....

It was a good day

First of all, two fairly new members of the SFP, through sheer enthusiasm and potential, have risen to the rank of Steering Committee member!

Jack Cross has been appointed the new Director of Young Socialists!
Lucion McElwain has been appointed the new Director of Recruitment!
And our beloved grandpa Phoenix Quinn has withdrawn his retirement and retaken the position of Director of Public Relations!

On top of that, the SFP has retaken rank 8 on membership!

And as if the current amount of advancement for one day isn't awesome enough,

After a bit of a hiatus, the Socialist Freedom Press has published a new kick ass article, with plenty of sex, drugs and rock&roll in the form of amazing articles from around the world, Gosplan updates, and Socialistic "need to know" theories.

Now, in response to the article from Umbrella Party President M. Leviathin named Organized Chaos Revisited

Although organizations such as these have had checkered pasts, the SFP shows support for this endeavor. However, although the article itself was detailed, many are concerned that the specifics of the organization in terms of leadership and cooperation are vague.

Therefore, in order to gain more support for this group, it is suggested that a group meeting between already active participants in this program is set up, to better understand what joining this organization would entail. Seeing as this organization was the brain child of the Umbrella Research Corporation and their Party President, it is appropriate that the Umbrella Research party is the one allowed to set up the time for such a meeting.

Until then, the SFP looks forward to further discussion about this organization, as it can greatly help the political atmosphere of the eUnited States, and allow for smaller parties to have bigger influence in eUs politics.

With all the professional business out of the way, time for the SFP to party! Celebrate our advances, and don't forget to congratulate our two new members of the steering committee, and welcome back good ol' PQ!

Signing out
Director of Interparty Relations: SFP.