Is the eUSA going to get assualt?

Day 567, 16:40 Published in USA USA by Miche Llorens


1) Coffee Break News
2)Word of the Day
3)Hope for Today
4)Wise Quotes
5)Leadership Quotes
6)Verse of the Day

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Coffee Break News-

So today on June 9, 2009 when I got on I find this strange news on the top rated about the eUSA getting assaulted. The first thing that came to my head was either the person who wrote this is trying to get attention or they just have a huge brain disorder. I mean come on who would think of such a crazy plan on the first place, if the RL US has by far the most advance military on the planet, and the eUS has not only the biggest population but by far one of the most active standby military. You have to be nuts to even publish such an article Linkg to Article Now I'm not sure if this person is playing around like a monkey chasing wild bananas or they are just plain mad, but I will admit everyone will be happy if a battle comes not only do we get to battle to reach higher ranks but it also helps get our health up 🙂. But other then that I just wrote this quick article to say this " You are one mad little man"

Now If no one minds, can you please post what exactly this person meant, cause I wouldn't mind nosy in to know the behind the scene info.
~ Well this was Your Coffee Break who was recently known as Your Morning Coffee but I decided to change it since I really don't have time in the morning to publish anything. Click For Pic

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Word of the Day-


: capable of being perceived or measured

Example Sentence:
"The banker's speech was fluent, but it was also copious, and he used up an appreciable amount of time in brief meditative pauses." (George Eliot, Middlemarch)

Did you know?
"Appreciable," like the verb "appreciate," comes from the Late Latin verb "appretiare" ("to appraise" or "to put a price on"). It is one of several English adjectives that can be applied to something that can be detected, felt, or measured. Specifically, "appreciable" applies to what is highly noticeable or definitely measurable, whereas "perceptible," which is often paired with "barely" or "scarcely," applies to what can be discerned to a minimal extent. "Sensible" refers to something that is clearly perceived; a sensible difference in someone's expression is easily detected. "Palpable" applies to something that, if it doesn't have actual physical substance, is nevertheless quite noticeable via the senses ("a palpable chill in the air"). "Tangible" is used for something capable of being handled or grasped, either physically or mentally ("tangible evidence").

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Hope for Today-

Principles for Living a Balanced Life
1. Make a list of the things where you spend most of your time and money.

Ask yourself; Why are you doing the things you are doing?
2. Identify your priorities.

Decide what things are most important to you. Set your schedule around those priorities. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by things that are less important. Stay Focused!
3. Make a commitment to your health.

Take time to rest and reenergize.
4. Focus on building relationships and making memories.

Give your family and friends the time they deserve.
5. Spend time with God every day.

Pray and read your Bible. If this is new for you, just start with 10-15 minutes each day.
6. Get involved with other believers.

Attend a Bible believing church in your area and support that church with your faithful attendance, tithing and service to others.

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Wise Quotes-

You have to plant. You can’t just eat.

~Neil Young, on Success

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Leadership Quotes-

Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.

~Vince Lombardi

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Verse of the Day-

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

1 Corinthians 1:18

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Please subscribe to my Newsletter! 🙂 and tell other of "Yur Coffee Break". Have a great afternoon.

Mr. Michel Llorens
~Proud USWP Member
~Citizen of the eUSA
~Residence of the Great State of Florida
~Editor for Your Coffee Break