Interview with Congressman Thedillpickl

Day 1,347, 10:08 Published in USA USA by sjohnfsdsxzzx

Since I'm sick in RL and have nothing better to do, I've decided to continue my series of interviews with newly elected congress members. This interview with Thedillpickl, who ran for the office of POTUS in July, turned out to be one of the more interesting interviews I've had so far.

I won't write anymore so as to not bore you, so I present to you my interview with Thedillpickl, slightly edited to correct grammatical mistakes:

Have you had any experience in congress before?

Yes, I was the Senator representing Nevada during the 40th Congress.

What are your primary concerns on the state of the USA at the moment?

The state of the United States is that we are missing some states! I won't go so far as to say that other issues are insignificant. Some things like reconciliation of our military forces, retention of noobs and morale are important at a time like this. However, Showing ONE the door and kicking their @$$es out is everyone's concern right now.

What would you consider to be the greatest threat to the unity of the American people at the moment?

As this occupation drags on, we win back regions, we loose regions. We help our allies, they help us. Back and forth, back and forth. Soon everyone is mesmerized and they wonder off in all directions, each doing his/her own thing. Normally I would be fine with that, but we really need to focus on making America a whole country again. The economy will have better resources and the boarders will be more secure.

Do you have any idea of what you plan to accomplish in congress this month?

A person in my position can say a lot of really cool stuff here and impress the crap out of a bunch of people. I'm not that person. I just want to do whatever needs doing. I still stand by my plan from the first time I was in Congress. Keep my big mouth shut and listen until I have something relevant to say and then make damn sure that I am heard.

How do you plan to represent the people of the state that elected you?

Well, let's be plain. RP'ing as a Senator only goes so far in eRep. My being the Congressional Representative of the State of South Dakota means nothing to that region or the people who eReside there. South Dakota is just a placeholder, there is no terra firma. (Sorry, hope I didn't suck the fun out of it for ya!) That said, I am just going to listen and use common sense to make the best decisions I can for everyone concerned.

Do you believe that the current administration has done a good job in leading the eUSA during the month of July?

I supported Blank after I knew I had no chance at POTUS. (Yeah, I was the one at the end of the list of candidates, but at least I was on the list! 😛 ) Three of us put our support behind him, as a matter of fact. Speedcat McNasty even came back to change his avatar, telling people to not vote for him but to vote for Blank.

So what do you want me to say? Of course I would always think there were something that I could have done better if it had been me in the big chair. And I could have assed it up big time too. All I will say is that Blank has been way more responsive than recent occupants of the White House and he seems to have a plan.

Where do you see the eUSA a month from now?

Realistically? We will probably still be about the same as now. We need to get better at our game, in the military, in the economy and our mindset. Things are not going to get better unless one of two things happen: 1) We get better at what we're doing than ONE or 2) They get bored and start fighting among themselves.

Optimistically? Secure borders, region swaps with allies, picking on Mexico and thumping our chests about how we 'beat' ONE. In other words, the same old boring crap we were doing before the invasion.
And there you have it, the interview with Thedillpickl. Vote and subscribe if you enjoy these interviews and on the lookout for more in the near future.

Also, vote for the death star: