[WHPR PIU] What Plato Will Do

Day 1,346, 17:32 Published in USA USA by sjohnfsdsxzzx

What will Plato do next?

Well, since he's already eliminated Erepublik Insider and the forums, and doesn't not pay too much attention to tickets (although I've never had this experience), it is obvious Plato will soon remove the media module.

After all, it is the only in game way left of complaining and Plato has already killed off a large number of author's subscribers. Every press director will be compensated with 1 gold, or maybe we simply won't be able to publish but will be allowed to buy subscribers for gold.

1 subscriber= 1 Gold
5 Subscriber= 10 Gold
25 subscriber= 100 gold

Eventually Plato will let you buy your ability to publish again for the cheap price of only 1000 gold!!

That or he'll add a mysterious new weapon: The Death Star...