In Memoriam

Day 1,441, 13:37 Published in USA Poland by code0011

Once upon a time there were two very good writers. Their articles got plenty of votes, and they were much loved by other players of the community. These two writers were Athanaric and SamWystan. They had papers named "The Halfing Times" and "The Fieldist" respectively. They spent their time contributing the comunity in the best way they could, by writing. Over the course of their eLives they both raised a significant following yet never actually achieved something they both deserved twice over. A Media Mogul Medal. I emplore you to give each of them a sub - The Halfing Times | The Fieldist - and take the time to read through some of their articles.
This is, however, not an article to get them subs. No, this is an article to show to the newer members of the community the effect these two players had.


A great player who rose to greatness, and then was kicked out again. He devoted many hours to the game, and in the end decided that leaving was the only way to go. His paper was always the light at the end of the tunnel, and he himself was a great asset to the eUS.

Athanaric was always an awesome person. When you felt like chatting, he was always there and always welcoming to anyone. He continuously did things to make the New World more fun, like the Valentines. In the end, I consiered Athanaric a friend and am still saddened by the loss of him.
Jude Connors speaking about Athanaric

He had a way of conveying power and emotion through his writing and his Last Will and Testement, made me shed a teaar or two.

His paper was not all sadness though, and I am vaguely ashamed to say that I only started reading it because of the pictures he always added at the end. Each and eveery picture was one of Susan Coffey. He infused a winning combination of humour and seriousness that had readers continuously coming back for more.


An equally powerful player, and the first of these two to leave. He built up what can only be described as an empire. His paper spanned two countries - The Fieldist Canada, although I always preferred the original Fieldist. He led a platoon of ALARM, a militia that later went defunct because all the leaders simultaneously quit. He had a powerful effect wherever he went.

SamWystan was the best writer in this game, whether you agree with his politics or what he's done, the Fieldest and the Dept. of Fun he was in charge of were undeniably entertaining.
Paul Proteus speaking about SamWystan

His paper covered everything, from domestic affairs to international events. He encouraged people to comment by putting his favourite comment at the start of the next article. I can remember trying hard to write the best comment, and on one occasion I was chosen. Yay me.

You will not be forgotten.

It would be much appreciated if you took the time to subscribe to their papers in memory of them. You never know, they might come back if they get the medal :3

On a completely unrelated note I would love some suggestions for games that can be played on IRC between the AMP and other parties.
Fun Czar for the AMP.

For Athanaric 🙂

The AMP would love YOU to join. Click this picture to be taken to the party page.
Pic of the day!