If Communes Stay Smart for v2, They Will Be Stronger than Ever

Day 873, 15:50 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

I want to respond to this article:

Communes v2 Ideas and a Proposal

The v2 transition will put some intellectual strain on commune company owners to decide what would be in the best interest of the military. I have no doubts that commune company owners are smart enough to work this out well in advance (as I'm sure they already doing).

What I want to make clear, however, is that the biggest change that is going to come to the commune system is the new class system.

If you wish to revisit this concept, I encourage you to read my old article here.

A strong commune will understand these distinctions and the inability of the soldier to be both an excellent soldier and an excellent worker. Accordingly, they will designate some of their soldiers as "full-time workers." It is unclear how many full-time workers will be needed to support the army; however, the principle is clear: some soldiers will have to become full-time workers in order to ensure both the strength of soldiers and the ability to arm them. Within these commune systems, the full-time workers play a vital role in ensuring that the soldiers get the guns they need to fight well.

If communes choose to go this route, they will be strong. Therefore, it is important not to import our notions of "full-time workers," as weak and selfish, into v2. On the contrary, we must abandon those notions and hail full-time workers as vital components of a well-functioning military machine.

For this reason, the author of the article referenced above fails to understand that the strength of armies comes from dedicated workers, that any attempt to "collect" workers into an international organization is an attempt to emasculate armies, and that, therefore, such attempts, despite their innocuous nature, should be considered acts of subterfuge and war.