I'm Running [April '10 Congressional Platform]

Day 881, 18:45 Published in USA USA by Benedict James

My name is Benedict James and I am running for Congress in the great state of West Virginia!

It's beautiful, isn't it?

My eRep C/V

Director, Federalist Outreach Program
Assistant Director, Federalist Outreach Program
General Manager, Federalist Militia Commune
1st Lieutenant, Federalist Militia
v2 Research Specialist, Federalist Militia
v2 Specialist, Recruitment and Retention Department
Publisher, V2 FOR YOU

My Platform

It is my firm belief that all measures of strength---economic, military, political---can be traced directly to retention. Despite our current efforts, I believe that more can be done to make us the strongest country on the face of the eRep planet.

Along with my fellow Feds, I am a strong advocate of the "Nudge" method, by which I mean only telling newbies what they need to know at any given time in their eLives.

Accordingly, the welcome message would be a lot more helpful if it helped newbie bridge the gap between rl and eRep. The strongest players can navigate this balance with ease and grace. We need to train our next generation of citizens to have a healthy balance of rl and eRep. It is only in this way can we ensure strong retention.


The more buyers we have in the economy, the more we can take advantage of the huge production potential, the more money the eUS gets, and the richer everyone is. We tend to think that taxes make a huge difference, but nothing can outmatch the strength of an active economy.


In both wall potential and in numbers, the strength of our army depends on dedicated citizens. Time and time again we have seen our important numbers are to a battle. Even a massive number of low-strength fighters can make a huge difference. Additionally, the more citizens we have in a fortress state, the stronger we can be in retaining our resources in foreign lands. An attack on India is inevitable. Will we be prepared?


There have been a little bit way too many PTOs lately. Even a partial PTO can be devastating to our political process and can infringe upon our freedom to rule ourselves, a principle which carries weight even in eRep. It is important that we give newbies a "story" to work with, to understand the importance of the eUS and of voting American. The more voters we have, the less power a PTOer has.

The best way to ensure retention is to encourage political parties in their efforts to recruit to their parties. A 10-15 gold reward for demonstrated retention rates would go a long way in building up the strength of the entire nation.

Thank you for your time. I would appreciate your vote on the 25th.


Party Congressional Candidates Announcements!
http://i69.servimg.com/u/f69/14/99/32/35/border10.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="http://i69.servimg.com/u/f69/14/99/32/35/border10.jpg" width="300">


Andhra Pradesh
Jon Konning

Camille Tarek Chamoun

David Landon

Kabel Kelly

West Virginia
Benedict James

Talio Extremist


New Jersey
Mourning Star



South Thialand
Robert E. Lee


Now Federalist Ride Hard! Ride Fast!


http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1328/federalistpartylogozoey.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/1328/federalistpartylogozoey.jpg" width="300">

We protect our own. You have been warned.