How to live and fight efficiently

Day 759, 11:30 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

This was made for everybody! But to use it correctly please read all of it first.

For New Players
I know starting out is hard, and thanks to USA Welcoming Committee it just got easier.

Here is the USA Welcoming Committee's profile. This organization sometimes passes out free guns to citizens. If you can not afford guns, check the eUS forums to see if free guns are being passed out. The USA Welcoming Committee also provides gifting assistance to players that are about to/have reached Level 5 and need to get their wellness over 40 to fight. If you've got an avatar, worked and trained everyday this won't be necessary. It's available if you need it though.

Also you should NEVER be afraid of asking questions- go ahead and ask me, your congressman, the president, or your manager about any questions for help . Trust me going to someone will help- if it wasn't for my first manager, Korbin King, I wouldn't have continued playing past a month.

One thing that you will need to know that "wellness influences everything, the higher your wellness, the better you will work. The better you work, the more happy you're manager will be. Wellness also influences how you fight. The higher your wellness, the more damage you will do. You can see your wellness on the left of your screen. It should be a man/woman standing. You will see an American flag above his/her head. Below you will see a number in white. That is your wellness." - Michael IIII

For all new and old players the first goal is always to gain money and power so for the first thing that we are going to cover is being financially smart.

~~Being Financially Smart:~~
You always need to be at the highest wellness level possible because one's productivity is based on wellness. I am not going to say to buy the highest quality just cause it's easier to overkill than to figure out what you actually need ,instead I suggest using the to figure out exactly what you need to get your wellness at 100 or at it's daily highest potential.

With the money you have left over from buying food spend about 20% or more on guns ( the other money left over from food will be explained later). Another thing to consider is opening up a "Weapon's Depot". A weapons depot is an organization that stores one's surplus guns. Spending a consistent amount ,and having a storage place for your weapons will allow you to regularly buy guns, and be battle ready at any moment. (Also have atleast 5 weapons on hand)

The Effectiveness of each quality weapons:
Take note that I calculated the possible damage done through the possible battle damage calculator. This is compared to the damage done "bare fisted" ,also if someone could please confirm or disprove my calculations that would be great

Q1 Weapon - 180% more damage than fighting "Bare Fisted"

Q2 Weapon - 218% more damage than fighting "Bare Fisted"

Q3 Weapon - 253% more damage than fighting "Bare Fisted"

Q4 Weapon - 298% more damage than fighting "Bare Fisted"

Q5 Weapon - 338% more damage than fighting "Bare Fisted"

With the money you have left over from buying food spend/save about 20% for buying a house. If one has realized a thing on the is that owning ahouse contributes a big difference on this and since houses last forever I suggest investing in one. Owning a house is even a better investment because it increases the wellness intake from food which can allow you to buy lower quality food which saves money. I also suggest that you work your way up through the quality of the houses and look towards making/taking offers on the eUSForum's Flea Market After you have completely gotten up to Q5 you can split the percentage of money saved for housing among Guns and investing in commerce.

Save up for a(n) Organization,bunch of Companies, and a Newspaper:
With the money you have left over from buying food save 50% on first buying an organization. Name it whatever you want,but remember this can be used as your weapon depot. After spending that money on creating an organization now transfer your savings from saving up for an organization to saving up for a company to help the economy of your country. Doing so helps prevent war exhaustion in all industries and no matter what industry you are in you are either supporting the nation's military directly (guns, and hospitals) or indirectly (gifts for higher wellness, food for for higher wellness, houses for higher wellness, and etc.

Newspapers are great for communication but completely worthless when you don't know what you are talking about (and please don't point at me XD) so I suggest only creating one for yourself when you have covered the fields of being a manager first.

Managing company tips:
~ This isn't necessary but it helps alot to buy a company calculator. This calculator can help you calculate your next profits, the price per product, and lot's more. To me it made a complete difference when it came to running a company.
~ Pay your employees per product
~ Manufacturing companies should use either to find out the price of resources as price at q1 because when you buy a certain type of resource it automatically splits it up and groups it together to your company's quality.
~ When you do create a company choose whatever you like but if it's war-dependent (like the weapon and iron industry), I suggest the next company you buy after this is war-independent so that way you don't go completely under when there aren't any wars.

Newspaper Article tips:
~ One article a day is good, two is okay, but three is just spamming.
~ Never write an article just for the sake of writing an article.You need to write with a purpose.
~ Articles that say "This is my first article, what should I write next?" are spam.
~ Try to keep it realistic and don't right more than two articles in a row that only contain an inside joke: "Beware of the Magic Hot Air Balloon!!!"

Saving Money in General:
You should save about 10% of your money after food for whatever reason you want- hey it's yours! Buy an advertisement ,or apply it to one of your other funds.

Financially you should split up ALL of your profits and income like 20% weapons, 20% housing, 50% investments, and 10% whatever. After understanding how to be financially smart you shouldn't really apply it until you move to a high quality hospital state , so that way you fight effectively
~~Moving to a Q5 hospital state~~
The first thing anyone needs to do before they can fight effectively is to move to a state with a q5 hospital. Currently the only states that have q5 hospitals is Florida and California, and if you are new don't worry about loosing your job you can work for any company as long as it is stationed in the country you inhabit.

Why do you want to move to these place with these hospitals?
Well Q5 Hospital regions allow our citizens to fight 5 times ,heal and be back at 100 wellness,but you have to live in that region to be able to use it.

"Q1 Hospital - A Q1 hospital increases your wellness by 10 when you use it.

Q2 Hospital - A Q2 hospital increases your wellness by 20 when you use it.

Q3 Hospital - A Q3 hosptial increases your wellness by 30 when you use it.

Q4 Hospital - A Q4 hospital increases your wellness by 40 when you use it.

Q5 Hospital - A Q5 hospital increases your wellness by 50 when you use it.
(This is the most efficient)"- How to fight efficiently

Can't afford a moving ticket? Ask your manager for one, and tell him that you will use the moving ticket to move to the states that have a q5 hospital to help you increase your wellness during wars.

The next step depends on if we are in a war. If not keep on reading, if so scroll down to stage 2b ,but if I were you I'd read the Peace Time as well for there are many things to learn.

~~Getting Prepared for War during Peace~~:
&quot😉uring great peace time, the best thing to do is to prepare for war"- a Roman Proverb.

You should already be subscribed to the Department of Defense's newspaper (basically it's the order's from the government on where to fight),so that way you'll be informed of your duties and be ready to fight when a war does come around.

Stocking up on weapons during Peace times is very effective for preparing for war.

~~What you should do daily during Peace~~

1. Work
You always wanna work at the highest of your wellness to get the most out of your productivity. You'll loose wellness for working and it's 1 wellness point for each quality the company is. The reason why you to focus on getting the most out of productivity instead of getting the most out of training is that every war comes down to the stronger economy. A soldier is ineffective if he doesn't have the money, guns, food, or wellness to back him.

2. Train
You'll loose one wellness , and gain strength. I am NOT for the Personal Trainers because I'd rather have someone use their gold to expand the economy, yet if you are really focused on training go ahead and use the Personal Trainers because according to Skzapa's resaearch they are a great long term investment for one's strength.

Buying Food
We've already discussed this in the subtitle of being "Financially smart"

~~What to do during Wartime~~

Normal Fighting Process:
"You have started at 100 wellness.
1. 100 wellness, fight. (You are now at 90 wellness)

2. 90 wellness, fight. (You are now at 80 wellness)

3. 80 wellness, fight. (You are now at 70 wellness)

4. 70 wellness, fight. (You are now at 60 wellness)

5 60 wellness, fight. (You are now at 50 wellness)

6. 50 wellness, heal at the hospital. (You are now at 100 wellness)

7. 100 wellness, work. (You are now at 99 wellness)

8. 99 wellness, train. (You are now at 98 wellness)

9. 98 wellness, finished. (You remain at 98 wellness)

However, if you strength is below 6.15, train before you fight.

Why Not Train When My Strength Is Above 6.15
After your strength reaches 6.15, you no longer gain as much strength. In this case, the extra wellness point you receive from not training will benefit you more than training before you fight. If your strength is above 6.15, fight and then train. However, if you have the gift(s) to bring your wellness back up one, then train, gift yourself, then fight. (To gift yourself you must have an organization or have a friend ready to gift you)"- How to Fight Efficiently by Michael IIII.
Note: It is still effective to train like this even with Personal Trainers

Berserking Fighting Process
This section will teach you how to beserk. Beserking is fighting 14 (or 15) times and leaving you at 60 (or 50) wellness if you started at 100 wellness. Beserking is needed in very large battles. However, do not beserk in every battle. Here is how you beserk.

&quot😉ay 1

1. 100 wellness, fight. (You are now at 90 wellness)

2. 90 wellness, fight. (You are now at 80 wellness)

3. 80 wellness, fight. (You are now at 70 wellness)

4. 70 wellness, fight. (You are now at 60 wellness)

5. 60 wellness fight. (You are now at 50 wellness)

6. Heal at the hospital. (You have fought 5 times)

7. 100 wellness, work. (You are now at 99 wellness)

8. 99 wellness, fight. (You are now at 89 wellness)

9. 89 wellness, fight. (You are now at 79 wellness)

10. 79 wellness, fight. (You are now at 69 wellness)

11. 69 wellness, fight. (You are now at 59 wellness)

12. 59 wellness, train. (You are now at 58 wellness)

13. 58 wellness, finished.

From there, you hold fire. You have stopped and 59 wellness so you can fight the next day and then heal so you can return to 100 wellness.

Day 2

Today you are at 60 wellness. (Approximately) You're food has brought you to 60 wellness.

14. 60 wellness, fight once. (You are now at 50 wellness)

15.Heal at the hospital. (You are now at 100 wellness)

16. 100 wellness, work. (You are now at 99 wellness)

17. 99 wellness, fight. (You are now at 89 wellness)

18. 89 wellness, fight. (You are now at 79 wellness)

19. 79 wellness, fight. (You are now at 69 wellness)

20. 69 wellness, fight. (You are now at 59 wellness)

21. 59 wellness, fight. (You are now at 49 wellness)

22. 49 wellness, train. (You are now at 48 wellness)

23. 48 wellness, hold fire. (You remain at 48 wellness)

24. 48 wellness, finished.

The next day you will fight once and heal.

Also, if your wellness is below 6.15, after you work, train.

Also, sign up for the eUS forums, you will be able to interact with other well experienced players. Also, here is the USA Welcoming Committee's profile. This organization sometimes passes out free guns to citizens. If you can not afford guns, check the eUS forums to see if free guns are being passed out. The USA Welcoming Committee also provides gifting assistance to players that are about to/have reached Level 5 and need to get their wellness over 40 to fight. If you've got an avatar, worked and trained everyday this won't be necessary. It's available if you need it though."- How to fight efficiently ,by Michael IIII.

Becoming committed to Service to Country
"Interested in joining with the eUSA military to fight for america, become a well trained soldier, and meet some cool guys in the process? The first step on that path is knowing which branch of the military is right for you.

The simple way to check which path you should look into further:

0-4...Training Corps
4+...Home Gaurd
7+...Mobile Infantry
11+...Airborne (Link is broken)

For those of you willing to sacrifice your right to vote to defend our allies and make the eUSA a stronger, more secure nation, check out the eUSA Air Force

Now for the more in detailed look into the different branches."- Heineken on the forum topic Want to Join the Military? Check here first

If you want more information on each field get it from the page that I got this subtitle from. You'll see what I just wrote and keep on scrolling down for more information about each branch.

A note From the Author
Well I took a long time to write this, and I really just wrote about how to live efficiently and effectively. I mainly didn't come up with myself but to rather combine a bunch of articles and topics. I dearly hope to see this link on the DoD newspaper 😃 because it could be greatly used over and over again. I do believe that I gave all the credit to people in all of the right ways, and I hope you use this to your advantage.

Former two time Congressman of Tennessee
Former Ambassador to Singapore
CEO of Donovantor's Industries/Bank
Chief Editor to "The Word"

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