How To: KPeD

Day 1,777, 00:05 Published in Germany Germany by Skalg von Tuari

Weird Music

It's time again for one of my famous guides. Today, we are talking about the KPeD. So in case this appeals to you, and now you are confused, rest assure😛 for I will take your little hands and lead you towards a rising sun which strangely resembles a communist symbol of your choice and looks exactly like the ending scene of a communist propaganda movie.

Are you in the mood now? Cool. We can get started then.


Get out your hammer and sickle. Stroke them sofly, clean them. Apply some oil generously, then start rubbing. You might want to put some tissues next to you in case some of your oil gets onto your laptop or keyboard - we don't want it to get sticky, do we? Good. Now to the real buisness.

Join the community

1 ) Join the party. We need you to stay in the Top 5; only Top 5 parties can run in congress elections, so it's important. Now you should be able to...

2 )...see the party feed. Can you see your and your friends shouts? Next to it is a tab for KPeD and your Military Unit (hopefully Red Army!). We use this to discuss some topics, post articels and make announcements. It's a good way of staying in contact.

Talk to us

3 ) Join our forums. Yes, party feeds are useful, bot no, they are not enough to organise everything. For real discussions - and therefore, real participation - you have to be on the forums. This is important because as the PP, I oft ask people all kinds of things on the forums. Im no one answers me, I have to decide on my own - that's how autocracies develop. So please help me not to take away your democratic rights and get involved NAO.

4 ) Forums work in a very slow way. Therefore, they are good for longterm discussions. But what if we just want to know each other, or discuss important matters quickly? Luckily, no one uses MSN anymore, so we are using even older technology: IRC. If you don't know how to do that, there is a pretty good guide. You can also speed things up and simply click this. Next, choose Rizon as your server. Then choose a nickname and join our Channel #kped. Congratz, now you are an active member of the community!

Do stuff

Stop, put down the bong, I'm not talking about doing thatstuff. Ok, being stoned might help sometimes, but its not necessary.

5 ) Run for congress. It's not like we don't let anyone do that who is new - we try to make our mix of newbs and oldfags fifty fifty. So if you a) join the forums (that's a must) and b) join IRC (that's a should) you're on a good way of asking if you can run. We have an internal vote who gets on which position of the list, so try to write something about yourself and post regularly - if you join the forums and your only post is „I want to run for congress“, chances are rather bad. But don't get frustrated - everyone can be a congressman, you just have to ask when you don't understand something.

6 ) Write articles. There's thousands of topics you can write about; the only rule is, if you talk about politics, make sure you know something about it. If you don't, make jokes. That's what I do.

7 ) Well, if you've made it into congress, you are probably fit for the politbureau. That used to be a formal gremium of old party members, now its more of a term for oldfags, i.e. people who are not newbs anymore. As such, you might be interested in becoming a PP.

8 ) Oh, hopefully, by now you are in the Red Army, our Military Unit! If not, you might consider joining. But I made another guide for that.

Congratz, now you are a grown up communist. Live long and prosper! Or whatever. At least you can be sure that I love you.

Skalg von Tuari