How to Get on the Next Energy Level? - Weekly Challenge

Day 5,774, 23:42 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran

How to Get on a Higher Energy Level? | The Weekly Challenge is Coming! |
Or 20000 Prestige Points in 10 min

Hello dear eRepublik Citizens!

Another weekly challenge is here so what to do about it?
The secret is in planning, preparation and dedication.

Although I play eRepublik since 2009 (with some ocasional ons and offs), it took me 2 years to win my first Battle Hero medal. And in all this time I haven't completed a Weekly Challenge, nor a Prestige Hunter medal.

Why? I wasn't focused on it. I was focused on eRepublik economy and on gradually increasing my production step by step so I could be independent and economically self-sustainable.

With a Little Help From My Friends

Of course, I also got some help from my friends as we all learn and help each other when we can. So, I would like to thank them here...

The Beatles - With a Little Help From My Friends.
(Click on the image above to play the video.)

Since I've returned, and it was just to write an article, the greatest help I got from Behemot recently, in a material way. I used it so I could expand my production and expand energy centers.

And then I also got some help from our dear Rabbit, some help in the form of advice. She taught me how to fish in a way, or how to farm for BH medals and encouraged me to take a weekly challenge and get deeper into the topics of Daily and Weekly Challenges, which I so far mostly ignored as I considered it as Mission Impossible, or at least as Mission Improbable or perhaps as Mission Unaffordable...

And I am actually very grateful to both of them.

I also got some symbolic financial support from you, me friends and readers in the form of endorsement for published articles, for which I am also grateful and which encourages me to keep writing...

The best of all, all this help came without expecting it or asking for it.
It's nice to have such good friends, even if mostly virtually...

So you could consider this article as an article for Weekly Challenge beginners, which I am and am learning from experience of the others, experimenting a bit, analyzing a lot and learning from my own mistakes as well...

Perhaps you find something interesting for yourself here, or perhaps you have won the challenge many times already and could offer some tips to a Prestige Hunter dinosaur newb like me.

So, the question is how much would it cost to finish Weekly Challenge?
Well, it depends on how much time, effort, gold and money you are willing to spend as it's a tradeoff.

Is is possible to win the Weekly Challenge without spending Euros and enormous quantity of gold?

At least theoretically...


Well, a standard Weekly Challenge consists of winning 40000 Prestige Points.
Usually this is the equation:

1 Hit in a Battle = 10 Energy = 1 Prestige Point.

If you catch an Epic Battle, then it is:

1 Hit in an Epic Battle = 10 Energy = 2 Prestige Points.

If you win some special items like Prestige Point multipliers (PPx), then you can get it up to a factor of 5, so:
1 Hit in a Battle with PPx5 multiplier active = 10 Energy = 5 Prestige Point.
1 Hit in an Epic Battle with PPx5 multiplier active = 10 Energy = 10 Prestige Points.

The problem is that Epic Battles are quite rare events and you can't count on them every time... For PPx multipliers it's even worse, you literally have to win them on Lottery to get them...

So, to be 100% sure to win a Weekly Challenge and what you can count on, in the worst case scenario, are only regular battles.

In that case 40000 PP is equivalent to 400000 Energy points, which is an enormous amount, equivalent to 4000 Energy Bars or, if you are mostly an average or regular double-clicking player like myself, who has just the basic stuff available and whose energy recovery rate oscilates between 10 and 40 energy points per 6 min or 100-400 E/h, it would take between 6 and 27 weeks to finish a weekly challenge. In the better of two cases, that's less than 17% of the weekly challenge in prestige points or an equivalent to 6800 PP.

Although it seems hopeless, there is some good news...
That is, even in that case it would be possible to reach the goal of winning the Weekly Challenge eventually... It would just take a long time...

How? And How long?

Well, extra Energy Bars that you can collect through Daily and Weekly Challenges enable you to accumulate and conserve enregy beyond your storage capacity in the form of collected Energy Bars.

If you do your Daily Challenge tasks to complete 100 Activity Points and collect the Daily Rewards, you could get an Energy Bar per day.
Through Weekly Challenge participation without an extra effort, if you get to 6800 PP in a week, you would collect extra 17 Energy Bars. That's 24 Energy Bars per week.

And you keep collecting them until you are ready to win the Weekly Challenge.
How long would that take?

Well, let's get a bit deeper into this and calculate...

How many Energy Bars would we need? In the worst case 4000 Energy Bars. That would take us more than 3 years to collect.

But do we really need that many Energy Bars?

No, we don't.

And could we collect them faster?

Yes, we could!

Here is how the Energy Bars rewards are distributed relative to Prestige Points.

Here Clopoyour explains how to get 20000 prestige points in 10 min:

Click on the image above to play the video.

As I was told, the article is quite outdated, but you get the point of it...

Here is another, more recent article on how to win a special 80000 Prestige Point Weekly Challenge almost for free.

How to Tank and Reach 80,000 Prestige Points for Free[-ish]

Then you are pretty much on the way to 40000 Prestige Points.
Perhaps it's a bit late for this week and you are not ready, but you might be closer to it the next week...

#1 Collect the Energy Bars, don't spend them until you are ready... And even then, spend them wisely....
#2 Oh yes, and each hit in epic battles gets you 2 Prestige Points instead of one.
#3 Links to Epic Battles and how and when to find them:

Here are the current Epic Battles:

Division 4:


Epic Battles

Use Epic Battles filter (Wars->Filters->Progress->Epic Battles or Click on the Image Above)

When? Usually at the start of the Weekly Challenge. So now, on Tuesday at the day change (eRep Time: 0:01, or 9:00 CET).

From my experience I would say that eRepublik unfortunately has never had good communications and tools support. That's why if you are not using tools outside of eRepublik, like chat (earlier it was IRC, now it's Telegram, but under the hood it's the same thing) and the tools like, you are probably falling behind as there are many players who are using them and you might be missing a lot of useful information in real or near-real time.

So is with Epic Battles. As Epic Battles have become quite rare and rather unpredictable events, except on Tuesday around the Day Change just when the new Weekly Challenge begins. And yes, you can find out sooner if there is an active Epic Battle if you are on eRepublik and constantly watching and refreshing Epic Battles filter in the Wars section, but it's not efficient use of your time.

Instead, if you combine eRepublik with Telegram for communication and monitoring Epic Battles, you could get a written and sound notification either on your desktop or on your mobile phone Telegram App with the information on the Epic Battle that just opened up somewhere in the eWorld. I am not sure how is it implemented, but it probably uses eRepublik API and it gives you information in matter of seconds after the battle achieved its Epic Battle status. This way your Weekly Challenge might become Weekly Mission Not-So-Impossible. What's good about it is that it has 6 different channels, for each Division 1-4, for Air and for all epic battles in all divisions together, so you could choose which ones you need.

I got information about it from my information sources, who wished to remain anonimous, required no rewards other than helping other players as being reward by itself.

Sends notification if there is an EPIC battle detected.

All channels:
️ Air:
GLOBAL (all div + ️) :