How to Tank and Reach 80,000 Prestige Points for Free[-ish]

Day 4,970, 01:10 Published in Canada Hungary by Kippers

It's been a few months, and now we have a new event. Hopefully you've been playing the Power Spin and have gotten yourself a few +1 PP Boosters. If you've got them, you have a chance to hitting 80,000 Prestige Points and get some free-ish tanking. Even if you don't reach 80,000 Prestige Points, you'll get a ton of rank points for participating.

What you need to do to free tank and hit 80,000 Prestige Points this week:

- (2-3) +1 Prestige Point Booster 10-Minutes
- (2-3) x5 Damage Accelerator 10-Minutes
- At least 500 Energy Bars in your storage

- 100% Deployment Size Booster (or equivalent) [doesn't really help that much except save you a few seconds]
- 100% Damage Booster (or equivalent)
- 30$ Damage Ghost Booster
- 10% Ground Rank Booster (or equivalent)
- Power Pack
- Houses activated
- LOTS of Q7 Tanks!

How to do it:
1) Find an Epic battle
2) Activate your x5 Damage Accelerator and +1 Prestige Point boosters [REQUIRED]
3) Activate your Deployment Size, Damage, Ghost, or Rank boosters [GOOD IF YOU HAVE THEM]
4) Fight
5) Have another tab open and collect items while your deployment bar is in action
6) Keep deploying and switching tabs to collect items
7) After 20 minutes and 2 x5 Damage Accelerators and +1 Prestige Point boosters are used up, you should have ~50,000 Prestige Points and have used 450-500 Energy Bars
8a) If you have 3 +1 PP Booster and x5 Damage Accelerator, you can activate 1 more and hit ~75,000 Prestige Points and have 7 days remaining to hit 80,000 Prestige Points
8b­) If you have 2 +1 PP Booster and x5 Damage Accelerator, you will need to spend extra Energy Bars, or have Power Pack and Houses activated to hit 80,000 Prestige Points
9) Since the Power Spin is here, take advantage of it and try to grab some boosters!
10) By the end of the week, you should break even with Energy Bars or be down 500 Energy Bars, depending on which route you chose to approach this