History Is Made

Day 706, 16:35 Published in Israel Israel by Jewyoyo

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Congressional elections. A desire to better ones country is truly an admirable thing, and I believe that was the primary motivator for congressional candidates. Congratulations to Franz Kafka, who once again broke 20 votes. This reflects the trust that many, many Israeli citizens have for him. Kafka, I am honored to be working alongside you in the Knesset. Congratulations to the IWP, CP, SDP, and INM parties for their efforts this election.

The newest of Israel's established parties, the United Zionist Socialist Party (UZSP), garnered %30 of the votes despite being comprised of only %10 of the population (CIN Election Report). The UZSP also received 48 votes despite only having 35 members (Zaib Atsu's Report). This shows both the activeness and organization of the UZSP and the trust that many non-UZSP members have in our candidates. My fellow congress members in the UZSP and myself understand the implicit responsibility that goes along with such trust. We will do our absolute best to help Israel become a stronger country. Citizens of Israel, we will not let you down.

History has been made. For the second time in modern eIsraeli history, the Israeli Workers' Party is not the most represented party in congress. Now one of the newest parties has the most congress members; this is a testament to the fluid and changing political landscape in Israel.

The last and most important congratulations goes to Hyman Roth, UZSP party president. His devotion to the party inspired me and many others to take a more active role in national and party politics. He had endless work organizing for the elections, recruiting, and writing our Manifesto (which is much more than a political platform). Most importantly, he turned the UZSP into something larger than a political party. He turned it into a community. With out Roth none of this would have been possible. I salute you and thank you, Hyman Roth, for all the hard work you have done. As you can see, it has certainly paid off.

My friends and brothers in the UZSP, I'm proud of and thankful for all of you.

Ezekiel Ben-Or, thank you for showing me the UZSP and for being Hyman's right hand man.

UZSP Congress Members:
1. Katarina Jese
2. Sam Krakower
3. Bailey Labradoodle (1st time congressmember)
4. Hyman Roth (1st time)
5. Myself (1st time)
6. Svin-full (1st time)
7. Ezekiel Ben-Or (1st time)
8. avv (1st time)
9. Lignjoslav (1st time)
10. Acesolid
11. Wildcat_mull (1st time)
12. Zhao_Yi (1st time, congrats!)

Thank you fellow UZSP members and thank you Israel.
Israeli Citizen
Tel-Aviv Congressman